A BOOK PUBLICATION the title documenting The Road To Resolution in the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement with A Real-time Authored Conclusion.
Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement.
HISTORICAL and calling for a Royal Commission into SAPOL. The UGLY HEROS - The price of Unlawful Enforcement Autobiography is a bombshell historical account of true crimes.
Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.
‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’

Ambiguous MANUSCRIPT EXTRACT Pre 2024.
"It would have to almost be the most ambiguous year of my life, 2014. As you read the detailed accounts that lead to myself to be almost seriously hurt or killed by wannabe organised crime and numerous threats the Australian Police Force were aware of. I played whatever role I needed to survive; tough talk became the new way of communicating my way through a STARForce made mess. Life in the shadows of the elite STARForce team of the South Australian Police Force. A police force that recklessly endangered my life so much that I nearly died at the hands of known felon’s countless times, let alone the endless sex offences.
Luke Hubert Scheidl (Born 1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) who had got himself involved with felon Sean Irvine (Born 18AUG1981) during and after our breakup 2012 unknowing to me, literally saving me this one time from a war he created. His efforts to save myself were carried out by him holding the front door from being hip and shouldered open by David Newton Bradley (Born 1981, Mount Gambier District Sth AUS) who was trying to stab us with his mum’s kitchen knife. Luke Hubert Scheidl (Born 1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) engaging heroism was more of an effort to save himself from what he had done to me with his friends than anything else. His intervention in the plot to stab myself was because he was more scared of the repercussions of hurting myself than his petty gangster mates. Except wannabe Former Hells Angels bikie Graham Daniel Young (Born 15MAR1975) Luke was shit scared of Gypsy Jokers bitch former Hells Angels bikie Graham Daniel Young (Born 15MAR1975). At this time, I did not know there was a plot to hurt myself.
This organised crime attack was directly related to the attack on my persons and property in 2012. My tyre that was slashed when my dad was attacked, my AUStudy violated, being sold on the dark web via revenge porn, all organised crime and police force facilitated. The police aligned criminals that had been manipulating Luke in 2012 that led to him attacking myself the first time tangled up behind the crimes. I was wary in my interactions with Luke Hubert Scheidl (Born 1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) in 2014. Evidently, he was heavily on ICE and he could not be trusted to any capacity with my life. Regardless of his heroic moment.
Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) transferred his position from Mount Gambier to Adelaide in 2016. Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) and his knowledge of David Newton Bradley (Born 1981, Mount Gambier District Sth AUS) breaching his Intervention Order and coming within one hundred metres of myself numerous times, on a constant basis in 2015 was warning enough that Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) was corrupt as fuck.
By 2019, it was obvious, this was not the bikers’ backlash, but the Governments with the bikers and police. Witnessing government contracts awarded to offenders, business opportunities and tax exemptions, grants, criminal concessions, even bids for citizenship as rewards for harassment, sexual assault and assisting police torts in the character assassination aligned with Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) contents of his false statement. Torts which in 2022 escalated to the point where I could have been murdered by felons while falsely incarcerated. Luckily, I was seen as the biggest psycho in media protection at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre (DPFC) by fellow felons. False incarceration for three weeks after years of law enforcement breaching crimes act, torture acts, police disciplinary acts and numerous other attempts to push me to the refugee of suicide failed.
2022. I endured the most substantial tort police could engage – false incarceration.
“It is difficult to imagine, for a person who is otherwise generally a law-abiding citizen, a more humiliating experience, or a greater shock to one’s equilibrium than being forcefully deprived of one’s liberty for even a relatively short period of time in circumstances which are entirely unjustified. This is all the more so where that curtailment of liberty is accompanied, as in the present case, by the detained person being handcuffed and marched through a crowd of onlookers and then incarcerated in a police paddy wagon, locked in a cell at the police station and fingerprinted and photographed as a criminal. Not surprisingly, the whole experience must have been both humiliating and highly embarrassing.” - Quote regarding incarceration torts."