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Writer's pictureMarcia HOBBS

Marcia Anita Hobbs = ‘The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement’.

Updated: May 17, 2024

Outlining an irrefutable need for a Royal Commission into SAPol, an Autobiography by Founder of brand Barbwire Noose and Human Rights Activist Marcia Anita Hobbs. The 2 Part Autobiography written in Human Rights Activism fight for her own personal rights is a captivating account of True Crime and the illusive South Australian Underworld. Gripping accounts of the Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. The publication with a controversial Media Release with Australian Associated Press (AAP) and selling prior to its final publication.

All pre-order copies via Barbwire Noose Clothing are set to be personally signed by the Human Rights Activist.

Detailed accounts of police driven criminality, criminal negligence by SAPOL (and the Disability Sector SA) abuse of process and power by SAPOL, ICAC SA stemming into judicial corruption. Unconstitutional Legislation, Torts and Human Rights breaches to Marcia Anita Hobbs which were severely reckless and endangered lives.

The true accounts you read in this police driven underbelly cover up of sex crimes are unimaginable. Duties of care regarding police informants, deliberate neglectful investigations to cause harm, a clear chain of causation in criminal negligence against SAPOL and a string of institutional concerns undermining National Security yet pushed out of Royal Commission review by both Liberal and Labor Police Ministers of Sth AUS. Furthermore both sides of government aware of severe threats to life ignored by police for over half a decade. Marcia Anita Hobbs by 2019, a refugee in her own country. Life threatening corruption Governments of South Australia engaged under unconstitutional law involving police activities surrounding Marcia for over a decade, extending to many within the Australian public lives also. Marcia Anita Hobbs used as rape bait by police forces and allowed to be raped with police knowledge, under illegally executed investigations which the police force guilty of unconstitutional activity amount to crimes against humanity. The Liberal and Labor governing of South Australia and Federally with a lack of public accountability and responsibility exposed in the severe injustices committed against Marcia - a teacher, a victim, a protester, refugee and whistleblower.

An irrefutable cover up of sex crimes, corruption and malpractice that span for decades within the police force (particularly SAPOL) announced in the year 2020, that continued out of control to the point where torts dragged USA law enforcement bodies into the sex crimes cover up litigation.

An Autobiography of Truth, Justice and Altruism making Royal Commission into SAPOL.

Gripping Accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Princess Marcia - Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.

Developing SUMMARY (2019 - 2023)

‘The Price of Unlawful Enforcement’

"Justice delayed is justice denied" - William E. Glad-stone. The quote a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all.

NOTE: There are NO secrets in this book, just facts everyone knows, and nobody states So Boldly.

It starts at Margaret Street in Mount Gambier, South Australia - after the SAPOL officer, a Mount Gambier district Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) detective investigating the theft of my structurally written off VH Holden Commodore, sexually assaulted myself at a pine’s location in approximately March of 2001. It ends exposing decades of police and governance corruption defined by a cover up of sex industry engagement including the use of children as sex workers by police forces of Australia, the public disclosure of an elusive looming spread of STD’s, vile criminal negligence by police and government; and even a Freemason agenda to Gaslight the world and rewrite history like Nazis at times. All this criminal corruption to cover up sexual criminality amongst the elites of society.

A book full of so Much fact the government tried to stop its print. Exposing the Elite STARForce team of the South Australian Police Force as an organised crime gang engaging in crimes as severe as crimes against humanity. Australian Federal Police in 2023 proved irrefutably to have engaged in actions of assisted suicide - trying to push persons, including myself over years (decades) to try and seek the refuge of suicide. Mainly whistleblowers, return service men.

You lose your Integrity when you are worse than the people you are chasing. Turning a Police Force into Criminals was as simple as implicating legislation violating human rights and constitutional writs. The association laws of South Australia turning our Governance into Chaos.

The South Australia Police - commonly known as SAPOL, is the police force of the Australian state of South Australia. It is an agency of the Government of South Australia within the South Australian Department of Justice. The Australian Federal Police is the national and principal federal law enforcement agency of the Australian Government with the unique role of investigating crime and protecting the national security of the Commonwealth of Australia. Every police force in Australia rotten to the core, the price of unlawful enforcement was not only my life as I knew it but the National Security of Australia, the governance of our people, Integrity, International Intelligence and So Much more.

The chain of causation; is the events that makeup causes and effects. The chain of causation is the links that bind cause and effect together. An action causes an effect; the chain is the unbroken link between action and effect. Think of every negligence case as a chain.

Criminal Negligence; flouting accountability involves First and foremost the denial of fact...

(1) The first denial is the “denial of fact”. This is the person’s refusal to acknowledge that an inappropriate act even occurred. He or she is likely to say such things as “it never happened, you’re wrong, your allegation is not true.” So the first level of acceptance is for the person to acknowledge that the problem is a real one.

(2) The second denial is “denial of impact”. This is the attempt by the person you confront to minimize the importance of the event you are bringing to their attention. At this stage a person is likely to make statements such as “it’s no big deal”, “don’t be so sensitive”, “you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.” These are all examples of how a person may downplay the importance of the problem he or she caused. The second level of ac-ceptance is for the person to admit that the problem or infraction not only exists but that it is serious.

(3) The third denial is “denial of accountability”. This is an attempt to avoid responsibility for a misdeed through some sort of explanation that the circumstance was somehow out of the person’s control. “I was stressed out”, “I had too much to drink”, “I was in a bad mood” are all examples of attempts to deny responsibility for the problem. Sometimes the person will even try to say you brought the damage on yourself, i.e. “You made me hit you”. The third level of acceptance is for the person to assume full responsibility for the inappropriate action.

(4) The last type of denial is what I call “denial of hope.” It takes the form of refusing to acknowledge the willingness to do the work to improve the situation. “That was in the past so there’s no point in bringing it up”, “that’s just the way I am”, “nobody’s perfect” are all examples of how a person can try to duck responsibility for making things better. The fourth level of acceptance is for the person to actively demonstrate remorse and a desire to heal through words and actions.

To summarize, denial of fact says that the offense in question never happened, denial of impact trivializes the consequences of the inappropriate behavior, denial of responsibility attempts to justify or excuse the behavior, and denial of hope shows that the person is unwilling to take active steps to make things better.

Put this all together and you are likely to hear some version of the following four denials from a person you confront: “It didn’t happen like that, it’s no big deal anyway, it wasn’t even my fault and besides there’s noth-ing that can be done about it.”

Extract by Bill Herring LCSW, CSAT

Article: Atlanta Help for Chronic Infidelity, Porn Struggles and Sex Addiction.

Psychological Studies.

The Four Denials Of Responsibility

Submitted by Bill Herring on Sun, 02/07/2010 - 01:00

The police predatorial monster in 2001, Kurt Slaven, assigned to investigate my white five speed manual VH Holden Commodore, spent clearly decades denying and hiding his crimes against young women in Mount Gambier.

The Commodore stolen after an accident near my Aquatics Teaching employment premises. A 16-year-old Aquatics Teacher, government employed with police clearance raped under duress by SAPOL Police Officer and Detective of Mount Gambier Police Station CIB (Crime Investigation Branch). The officer a predator that clearly had no Real intentions of investigating the theft case of my vehicle involved in an accident the day prior to the sex crime offence. My wrecked vehicle stolen overnight from my employments private car parking was the event which enabled Kurt Slaven to commit the sex crime. The theft of the vehicle linked to persons known to Kurt Slaven, a gang of boys apparently – the COA consisting of persons unknown to me in 2001 until 2009. Luke Hubert Scheidl, Chad Modra, Carl Brodie amongst names associated with these police assisted felons.

Authoring this Autobiography, it was evident that Kurt Slaven targeted myself to commit this offence. Kurt Slaven committing his hideous sexual crime and orchestrating a cover up within a venal police force leading to further sexual offending against myself for years. Corruption and deceit that span decades recklessly endangering my life.

SAPOL, a police force who used my persons as quote “rape bait” for years after Kurt Slaven’s criminal offence. An irrefutable fact announced during a federally overseen homicide investigation by a police human resource. A STAR (Special Tactical and Response) Force which further compromised my life with a police certification which was initiated for myself and cancelled for myself over a decade period.

When Kurt Slaven sexually assaulted myself under duress in 2001, I was Not yet seventeen years of age, making the crime an offence against a minor under South Australian law. The exact date of the offence in a distorted cover up reflected in various organisation records and major life event accounts that cannot be changed by maladministration. The offence committed between the 15th of February 2001 and the 24th of April 2001. POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement Original Report Number: 18/D48030; New System Report Number: SAP0010038174, reported in 2014 – unresolved by 2023 when this publication printed.

The events that followed Kurt Slaven’s sexual attack on myself terrorised my life. My pets (two rabbits) were murdered in association to the crime to maintain Kurt Slaven’s threat to me to be silent/intimidation.

Quoting offender Kurt Slaven at the scene of the crime, after committing the offence saying to me “Don’t tell anyone” – talking about the rape. I was targeted by young, petty gang associates immediately after Kurt Slaven offended against myself. In the years that followed, SAPOL used myself as real life “rape bait” in a string of unconscious and conscious sex crimes directly associated with SAPOL. Malicious activity recorded in the chain of causation showing offenders and their links to the police force.

Kurt Slaven, a police officer who spent his career aligning himself with select criminals - bikers from the Gypsy Jokers, Comancheros/Bandidos, Triads and Hells Angels predominantly but not limited to. A police force trying to dominate the sex industry of South Australia and Australia allowing the rape of minors, solicitation of minors, sex trafficking and desperately hiding the most heinous and hideous crimes.

The events described throughout this autobiography span over a twenty – thirty year period. Twenty years of the lesser-known side of my once very private life. Sexual crimes and innuendo aired out for all to read was the ONLY way I could gain resolution regarding the POLICE vs Kurt Slaven statement as well as end being used and abused by SAPOL and the Australian Police Force without boundaries. Public Disclosure. Justice for the voiceless gained by tearing my heart out, enduring an obscene cover up and sharing my story with the American FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The motto, “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity,” succinctly describes the motivating force behind the men and women of the FBI.

For me it was Military warfare being imposed on a civilian - a little girl. For society it was an endless undermining of civil rule. Not to mention those ‘crimes against humanity’.

I endured war style, Nazi type psychological attacks, endless gaslighting from police, freemasons, family members; even friends and randoms alike. From walks down the street to social media, the agenda was bitter and relentless. After years of support and praise. It was weird and made me lose respect for people as they lost their conviction. It was a bipolar social view of right and wrong. When dissecting my experience, I could only perceive that after years of Mount Gambier residents witnessing the no boundaries extent the government will go to cover up the Truth they found ignorance more blissful than caring. A consistent ignorant and silent psychological approach of shunning the truth was the norm by 2020 – two years after I began to author this book. Even the media pled ignorance and remained silent. Despite having much evidence of the venal state of police and government and The Story Behind the Brand published across the globe by 2023.

From a psychological perspective – the approach of government and STARForces in a character assassination to cover up crimes in government consisted of am-biguity based on psychological attacks, gaslighting, denial and feigned psychosis induced by psychological warfare activity perpetrated under police operations. Global studies showing government victims, whistle-blowers, etc are often the target of claims of mental instability (discussed in further reading) and gaslighted.

When the police force failed to convince enough of the population of my mental instability by 2023. After spending a decade on their cover up, the next approach reflected the tired attitude I experienced in my hometown at the height of the police force cover up announced as successful by a women’s safety employee (2020) – silent treatment and ignorance. My family in-famously trying the silent approach for years – which as you can see was very unsuccessful as I have had a much more successful, productive life not living in the shadows of their lies and ignorance. Ignorance aka the silent treatment; strikingly similar to gaslighting, as both flourish in power and control. In fact, some therapists call the silent treatment a form of gaslighting, used to cause personal uncertainty, and a sense of doubt when considering goals, self-views and worldviews. I was certainly putting my views and truth to the world confidently and I have no doubt this is what police ignorance was supposed to achieve in the latter years of public disclosure in a cover up. All Failed miserably. The determination I seen to ignore the truth only inspired me to make the truth too big to ignore.

I have endured and survived some of the most extreme forms of private and public sector gaslighting on record. Furthermore, some of the technology and tactics I have witnessed are of the most extreme gaslighting and psychological warfare the mind can endure. There were relentless and endless home invasions, starting with my two rabbits being murdered in the first rental property I resided in 2001, the gaslighting events occurring not long after Kurt Slaven’s sexual offence. The death of my pets following a failed sexual assault attempt by four boys, an attack on my persons associated with sex offender Kurt Slaven. Boys Not known to myself in 2001, yet known to SAPOL; the Mount Gambier CIB. Known to SAPOL sex offender Kurt Slaven. The boys said to be part of a youth gang called COA (COA = Constantly On Attack) associated with the Gypsy Jokers, a Nazi aligned biker gang as well as American biker gang the Bandidos and Australian biker club the Comancheros. The COA youth gang was created by SAPOL officers recruiting seedy and criminal family members as human resources - informants. An expanding informant gang of relatives and friends directly linked to the police force associating and recruiting young impressionable boys at this time in Mount Gam-bier spanning to Adelaide - the Capital City of South Australia. The COA was predominantly recruiting low sociodemographic students from Grant High School and desperate to fit in Mount Gambier High School students in the regional area of South Australia at this time. This group of boys latching onto likeminded impressionable young persons. Twenty years after this human resource sex offender gang, the COA, was developed these boys had spread across the Nation and throughout, most of them sex industry pimp wannabes aligning with the various gangs in Australia. This is how the bikers in Australia gained further power and control within Australia using their known avenues of extortion of venal married men, police and politicians - anyone who wanted to hide crimes or infidelity. The definition of a biker in Australia was basically a human resource willing to rape sex industry workers who spoke out against police and alike. After decades of signing on as informants and human resources, police cooperation with their criminal counterparts was not winning the war on drugs yet was winning the bikers plight for power against law enforcement. The venal police force so far gone it entered the era of National Integrity back boneless against organised crime aligned sexual offences.

Australian politicians and the broadly compromised police force were so heavily involved and out of control when organised crime began to collude against the association laws in 2012. By 2023, illegal operations and activities exposed in the media on television shows like ABC 4corners and in television series narratives like Underbelly in Australia provided evidence of claims I had made against the police force for five years in writing. It is irrefutable that the worst move the police and governance made was to implement strategic narcissism legislation - the association laws. Laws which in 2012 led to bikers across Australia meeting in Australia’s tourist hub, Queensland. The brotherhoods binding together with one common goal suing government over this legislation, not fit for pur-pose and in violation of Human Rights (Universal Dec-laration charter). It only took a short four years after ‘the world’s toughest anti-bikie laws’ were introduced, before it was evident and furthermore time and time again proven that these breaches of Universal Human Rights, the Constitution and Privacy laws were unlawful when applied. The association Laws allowing Police Brutality and gang like violence, including sex crimes against minors; rape and murder driven, to escalate. Engaged and encouraged by the Australian Police Force and Tactical Teams from Top to Bottom, state and nationally. These unlawful attacks on persons and premises the sole reason behind the bikers in Australia aligning.

It was in May 2008 when the Labor Government of South Australia passed what Premier Mike Rann pro-claimed as 'the world's toughest anti-bikie laws' (Rann 2008), with the introduction of the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, which came into effect on 4 September 2008. The Premier cited the following as highlights of the Act:

● gang members who engage in acts of violence that threaten and intimidate the public will be guilty of serious offences and will find it harder to get bail;

● police will be able to prohibit members of a bikie gang from attending a place, event or area where this would pose a serious threat to the public;

● the old law of consorting will be replaced with a new law of criminal association that prohibits tele-phone calls as well as meetings in the flesh;

● stalking a person with the intention of intimi-dating a victim, witness, court official, police officer or public servant will become a serious offence;

● it will be easier for police to secure orders to dismantle fortifications protecting gang clubrooms; and

● in addition, the legislation created new offences of violent disorder (maximum penalty of 2 years jail); riot (7 years, 10 years where aggravated); affray (3 years, 5 years where aggravated) and stalking of public officials by OMCG members (7 years; Rann 2008).

Australia's Crimes Legislation Amendments (Serious and Organised Crime) Act 2010 were some of the worst breaches to Human Rights globally amongst developed society. Allowing for large scale corruption and global racketeering from our Country.

"It's a desperate mistake and one that makes the police seem as if they're doing something, but in every other country where it's been tried it has had no success," Dr Veno stated about Australia implementation of association laws. Doctor Arthur Veno is Adjunct Professor of Criminology at Monash University. Professor Arthur Veno was born in the US and has lived in Australia since 1974.

It was in 2008 also when my house was invaded by po-lice and government by these laws. An innocent little girl sexually assaulted by a police officer in 2001, at twenty-four years of age becoming a targeted individual due to reporting against the Mike Rann government. A whistle blower seen as a threat to the South Australian Labor government, over my knowledge of its criminal negligence and abuse of Disabled non-cognitive persons, one of the first people targeted by these illegal laws. Having my Privacy stripped from me in cover up upon cover up, my bedroom door filmed every day I owned my house on Penola Road in Mount Gambier until 2014 at the least. These laws have been used un-lawfully since implementation and over fifteen years have proven to not only escalate the violence and crime as Arthur Veno predicted but compromise the Nations National Security.

This Autobiography capturing my undoubtedly and un-deniably abused life and how strategic narcissism only enables organised crime. The venal state of Australian governance and policing and shines a light on the integral necessity of Human Rights. I legally prove the detriment of a cover up(s); results of floundering duty of care (negligence) in governance and show the association laws irrefutably are not fit for purpose; being used by police to cover up government crimes applying the laws without the Human Right of fair trial to obtain feigned plausible deniability and Constructive ambiguity. Constructive ambiguity is a term generally credited to Henry Kissinger, said to be the foremost exponent of the negotiating tactic it designates. It refers to the deliberate use of ambiguous language on a sensitive issue in order to advance some political purpose. Simply put, the Association Laws of Australia are legislated strategic narcissism being utilized to cover up govern-ance sex crimes (including crimes against disabled and minors) based on deniability and ambiguity.

A true account of Australia's two only serving government's venal - heavily corrupted, with no real account-ability in their out-of-control malfeasance, tyrannical legislation implementation, human rights violations, military crimes and overall lack of integrity which could be concluded as a form of espionage - a severe internal erosion of National Integrity compromising Australia’s National Security while public accountability was eluded.

I witnessed to no end the act/practice of illegal government spy tactics, the use of spies by a government to discover the military and political secrets of other parties. Institutional and systematic compromise played out with both sides of government using the police force to spy on each other’s sexual misconduct for political gain. Both governments could be said to be aligned with all gangs in Australia as the motorcycles clubs were against their own best interests cooperating with each other since 2012 with their plot against the association laws. Liberal more heavily aligned with the Gypsy Jokers via Tony Pasin, the political party member for Barker (Mount Gambier) Tony Pasin an old Mount Gambier lawyer with a cocaine/methamphetamine habit fed by the joker’s biker gang. The use of felons and civilians who were Not formally seeking resolution to political criminal engagement also compromising National Security with their espionage like activity.

"The Wrong Person in the Wrong Place = Regression. The Wrong Person in the Right Place = Frustration. The Right Person in the Wrong Place = Confusion. The Right Person in the Right Place = Progression. The Right People in the Right Places = Multiplication." ~ John C. Maxwell

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