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Writer's pictureMarcia HOBBS

Publication details Update

Updated: May 17, 2024

Not quite a 'Save the Date' announcement, this update is an exciting note Europe Books, publishing UGLY HEROS The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement has confirmed we can all expect the Autobiography to hit shelves 2023. (Due to perjury - this release date was pushed out to 2024).

The book expected to be with editors for a month once I finalise the print proof checks!! I did not approve the manuscript received in 2023 due to manuscript having been heavily changed away from the truth.

"The police and government wanted me mired in despair, and to seek the refuge of suicide. Using the force of abuse of power and process to institutional harass me for years. The allowance of sexual offending and offenders linked to police to incite suicide, police failing to charge offenders who committed sexual offences against me irrefutably to try and throw me into despair. Suicide discussed in letter written during the period I was falsely incarcerated in DPFC - as was AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw. VICPOL made no attempt to satisfactorily and swiftly settle their irrefutable torts assisted by AFP" - UGLY HEROS The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement.

Relevant legal information - Australia.

Unconstitutional Law

Not fit for purpose legislation and false statements in court. Not fit for purpose laws passed by government and applied through courts are require to met a legislative standard.

If this legislation were to be used in courts for entrapment, political gains, perjury, defamatory purposes, etc we find ourselves at an irregular judgement the term given to the judgement that is contrary to a practice of the court and is contrary to the mode of procedure that is established.

A Judicial review is about setting the boundaries of government power. It is about ensuring government officials obey the law and act within their prescribed powers. Access to the courts for the purpose of judicial review is an important common law right.

False Statement(s)

Generally giving False or Misleading Information is an offence under section 307B of the Crimes Act 1900, which carries a maximum penalty of 2 years in prison.

Section 312 of the Act defines perverting the course of justice as, 'obstructing, preventing, perverting or defeating the course of justice or the administration of law'. 

Punishable by a maximum of 14 years.

Other relevant information:

2.19 At common law, the definition of contempt of court is any conduct that interferes with or has a tendency to interfere with administration of justice.

Entrapment occurs when police or law enforcement agents improperly induce a person to commit actions that amount to a criminal offence.

Defamation means causing serious harm to a person's reputation by publishing material about them that changes the way people feel about them. Section 529(3) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is headed 'Criminal Defamation' and makes it an criminal offence punishable by a maximum penalty of three years in prison.

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