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Writer's pictureMarcia HOBBS

Tim Young of VICPOL

Updated: May 17, 2024


"Kurt Slaven (SAPOL, Australian Defence Force - Navy), Paul Arthur Griffiths (SAPOL 38683 & Australian Defence Force – Navy), Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657), Darryl Peter Wright (SAPOL, African Army - International, AF), Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS), Damian H Ferrari (DOB1966, Beaufort, Victoria AUS - VICPOL) all Proven to be organised crime associated police personnel. Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS), who apparently investigated myself over these years, Comanchero cop as I call him, is friends with many circles of felons, including Gypsy Joker methamphetamines cooks, ex-army personnel – many now VICPOL employees, drug dealer metalheads everywhere and I assume circles of people classed as more upstanding circles too. Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) even implying bribery regarding a shooting range discussion had in 2019, one of the many embarrassing and illegal engagements he tried to have with myself. Myself also engaging in embarrassing behaviour surrounding Timothy - Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS).

What most didn't know about Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS); by 2019 I well and truly did, was the effort Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) had put in to actually look out for myself, like Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA) from the metal scene. Both men engaged with me initially via social media while I was being used by SAPOL (STARForce) as bait regarding Luke Hubert Scheidl (Felon, Paedophile, DOB1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS). This strategic narcissism SAPOL encouraging Luke Hubert Scheidl (Felon, Paedophile, DOB1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) to elongate his presence in my life. The operations also allowing my family and SAPOL to engage their personal narcissistic traits upon my life, which I had moved out of home partly because of. Since 2011 the boy from Bendigo - Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) and Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA) had been floating around listening to defamatory perjury, it was clear both metalheads at times were trying to avoid myself being harmed by men they knew. From people targeting Barbwire Noose to men wanting to take advantage of me sexually and get close to me because of the revenge porn circulation. Through their friends in heavy metal, they at times put in great efforts to start with supporting my One Love, clothing brand Barbwire Noose. At this point it is clear that both metalheads believed I had been or was a prostitute. Perception and perjury had certainly misled about my life, past and the actual threat of the Gypsy Jokers - the gang’s now older members evolving into the younger boys of SAPOL’s street COA gang. Numerous sex offending police officers involved in the establishment of the COA in Mt Gambier, Sth AUS, the governments shit kicker gang became the Comancheros, aligned with the Gypsy Jokers. I have no doubt Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) and Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA) are linked to ADDISIAN a metal promotion where I engaged with Barbwire Noose in Sponsorships in the year 2012. Unfortunately, the woman event organiser wanted fame as I witnessed it, beginning work as a dancer in the lower levels of the sex industry – in this case I’ll describe the dancer as trying to skyrocket a career in the exotic industry with the Hells Angels. These undress to impress moments from women trying to get CIA losers and losers like Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA) attention plentiful during these years 2012 – 2024. Barbwire Noose’s involvements with these metal events dissolved during the homicide investigation. In Australia, mainly NSW located persons, seemingly through connection to Tim Young’s (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) or Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA) band members/acquaintances/friends, I was warned of men trying to score (sexually engage) with myself. I assume this activity stemmed from defamatory perjury spread by associated persons including my brother and family in efforts to try and portray me in a prostitute or slut shaming image. Which firstly is NO excuse for sexually assaulting a minor and more importantly not a label you can give me. Why - because Secondly it is easy for me to refute the ‘slut’ claim with a long history of rejecting men including Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) proposal I'd catch up with him in Melbourne, as well as a consistent history of relationships until reporting Kurt Slaven (SAPOL, Australian Defence Force - Navy) sexual crimes. The actions I knew of Tim made me comfortable to just move and live with him in Melbourne in 2019 when he asked me to. His actions that followed made it impossible to forgive him for his decisions which led to much suffering and contributed quite heavily to criminal negligence, reckless endangerment, and the decade of perjury I suffered through.

The Comanchero gang alliance is a known association of Tim Young’s (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS), known amongst colleagues, veterans, known to Travis Paul Enmon Jr (DOB16JAN1989, Texas USA), persons in the metal scene and myself. Australia’s own bikers (Comancheros) notorious for trading minors (many of the average age of fourteen-year-olds) within the sex industry after recruiting sex offending veterans. A gang allowed to form and flourish with police force knowledge under both governments, with the facts I am aware of surrounding Tim’s police conduct stemming back to 2012. Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) was not alone being outed in his Comanchero alliances, the police force proving to have at least two decades plus of the police playing Comancheros with people's lives in South Australia that I could prove. Peddling children as sex toys amongst the low standards of other biker clubs in Australia and globally. Over two decades of police playing the Hells Angels in Sth AUS with wannabe biker Graham Daniel Young (DOB15MAR1975) portrayed himself as a Hells Angel while he has run the Gypsy Jokers agenda, causing detrimental harm and deaths within the limestone coast region.

The fact that SAPOL and the Police Association put off a Royal Commission compromised Australia’s National Security, community safety standards, the safety of All persons involved, police personnel and the public. The best protection from the police and criminal alliances was public accountability, especially regarding such dangerous mass corruption.

Royal Commission into SAPOL will find if performed with integrity that SAPOL police forces have conducted themselves as organised crime for over a decade, spanning two decades researching links to organised crime via Kurt Slaven (SAPOL, Australian Defence Force - Navy). The intel regarding VICPOL and the Comancheros conduct are facts – anybody in Australia not living under a rock with the TV turned off knows this. Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) illegal disposition in 2018 combined with Darryl Peter Wright (SAPOL, African Army - International, AF) activity amounts to nothing less than attempts at bribe taking, sex industry involvement, etc which creates a venal environment within the force - facts from police sourcing. Facts regarding the sex industry concluded in Australia 60 - 80% percent of sex industry clients are police officers’ – these facts and figures are sourced directly from sex workers, active and no longer active within the industry. Facts stated directly to myself countless times.

Regarding sex industry research surrounding legality, a May 1990 Australian Institute of Criminology report recommended that prostitution not be a criminal offence, since the laws were ineffective and endangered sex workers. The industry being illegal certainly endangers sex workers, that stated the biggest threat to a sex worker is not the occupation it is the police and their culture surrounding interactions with sex workers. Sex workers are used and abused by police with law enforcement their biggest clients. My opinion, based on communicating with prostitutes who have approached me and shared their stories involving client facts is that legalisation within Australia is not the best avenue to fix the sex industry – not yet. The fact that minors in the industry are being overlooked and law enforcement is a job where the employee is obligated to serve and protect, the facts that over fifty percent of clients are police show that the legal arm of the trade is the problem. Police considered to uphold the law are the biggest threat to legalising this industry as they don’t really care about sex workers which is evident when they use children as sex toys and overlook children within the industry to benefit from it. Child exploitation within the sex industry will only be further overlooked by law enforcement with decriminalisation as it appears in the Northern Territory AUS. Observing this industry from the outside and enduring illegalities of police forces involved with sex workers proves isolated legalisation at best is an avenue Australia can take to care for the welfare of all involved in this industry at this time. Clearly licenced brothels maintained by stringent safety procedures and not within a heavily indigenous population as has been legalised in the Northern territory is a less detrimental avenue towards decriminalisation. Police forces and bikers involved in the industry can be predicted to always be involved, so decriminalisation cannot lead to further powers amongst unsavoury criminal personalities and venal law enforcement just because politicians want a quick fix to the extortion. Especially where vulnerable indigenous children are concerned. The introduction of many white society standards having a negative effect on Australia’s First Nations people. I feel after witnessing what would be considered the better parts of the sex industries – not by choice and certainly not a desirable exposure to forced prostitution, that sex industry operations in Australia decriminalised only empowers sex pests and sex offenders. The approach to legalisation needs to be transparent in communities with distinct age restrictions which do not decide a person’s fate within the sex industry and all prostitutes should be registered with the HIV status recorded publicly as with police personnel. The public should not be at risk from these high-risk industries, just like prostitutes should not be at risk in their line of occupation. Doctors, nurses, and fire fighters should also be regularly documented regarding their STD status – treatment to STD’s should become the norm, not hiding it. A vast number of persons globally in this era have been affected by STD’s with most STD’s completely treatable or manageable. With a high rate of police driven and police personnel sex offences against prostitutes it can be concluded that these men and women involved in sex work are not the dirtiest or most diseased in the room. Law enforcement a great source of STD’s in Australia, myself encountering countless police officers who engaged in sexual relations only later to disclose their STD status or concerns to their sexual interaction/partner. The highest seemingly of the unresolved rape offences committed against prostitutes I interacted with stemmed from police sex offenders. Legalisation is dangerous to sex workers and vulnerable young persons, women especially, within the volatile climate of biker VS police war, decades running, predominately for the power and profit from the industry.

Some facts on Australia’s sex industry from 2003 follows, two decades prior to this books publication, one decade prior to the CIA induced Hells Angels and Bandidos shoot up in California, USA (the relevance of this event in later chapters). The survey conducted titled: Sex in Australia, Experiences of commercial sex in a representative sampled adults of the ages 16 – 59 years old: 10,173 men and 9,134 women with a 73.1% response rate (69.4% men & 77.6% women responded), found that 15.6% of Australian men aged 16–59 have paid for sex at least once in their life and 1.9% had done so in the past year. Men who had paid for sex were more likely than other men to smoke, to drink more alcohol, to have had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or been tested for HIV, to have more sexual partners, to have first had vaginal intercourse before 16, and to have had heterosexual anal intercourse. 80% of the worldwide adult population carrying the Human Papilloma virus. (Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicine, National Centre for Biotechnology Information; USA government)"

"It was surreal, many of these men, as with dashing Darryl Peter Wright (SAPOL, African Army - International, AF) and tempting as Tim Young (VICPOL, former drummer metal band ABREACT Bendigo, Victoria AUS) Metal band Abreact in its early days - a band my brand Barbwire Noose promoted; Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657), an unlikely crush developing after his bold pursuit of my attention, were piss weak in their convictions regarding my justice. Finding excuses and avenues to flounder accountability. Pursuing justice, I worked hard to engage these men in resolution as opposed to allowing them to seep into the cracks of a cover up. They were all under the belief that they were being heroic, whilst deep in corrupt police activity. The exact police corruption which allowed myself to be raped numerous times during police investigations. These men, nonheroic in this autobiography, were unable to save myself nor themselves from the temptation of corruption.

Furthermore, these men were assigned to rescue like operations, taskforces or to investigate myself and instead of fulfilling their job obligations, my safety and rights were compromised for petty sexual benefits and gang profits. Men who expressed personal interest in myself, instead of holding their friends to account within the police force, witnessed and watched myself enduring years of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. Resolution forced the writings of this autobiography, Saving Myself. The truth in the end was all that could stop this mass corruption within the police force.

Luke Hubert Scheidl (Felon, Paedophile, DOB1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) having told me in 2014 I was being used as “rape bait”, an example of not only corruption but an insidious police brutality that engaged and excused sex crimes. SAPOL using myself as rape bait (unknown to me) against the Gypsy Jokers in the early 2000’s and against the Comancheros during and after the Gordon Tearonui Hamm investigation from 2014 the felon claims. Luke also stating that the police had leaked to the gang deliberately that I provided information against the jailed ex-army head of Comancheros in Victoria - which was actually Luke Hubert Scheidl (Felon, Paedophile, DOB1981 Mount Gambier District, Sth AUS) speaking against ‘Leechy” as Luke referred to him, not me. I don't know anyone from Victoria like that, Luke was literally dealing with and for the Comancheros 2013/2014. Myself aware of the endless lies and perjury being committed gave me good basis to hold in the back of my mind that I need to look out for myself during this extraordinary emergency where SAPOL and police forces maliciously and intentionally allowed criminal negligence and reckless endangerment."

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