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Writer's pictureMarcia HOBBS

THE END - UGLY HEROS The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement Part 2

Updated: May 17, 2024

Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement - Publisher Europe Books.

HISTORICAL and Royal Commission into SAPOL making Biography UGLY HEROS - The price of Unlawful Enforcement.

Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.

‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’


'The Road To Resolution'

The Corruption and Malpractice within Australian government and departments so irrefutable by 2020. The second term reappointment of Police Commissioner Grant Stevens by Corey Wingard. Minister Corey Wingard having read Ugly Heros, as did the LEGEND Labor Senator Marielle Smith, and reappointing disgraced Grant Stevens proved the government's involvement in the corruption as irrefutable. Not only had Grant Stevens in 2017 reattempt to exploit my life again with STARForce regarding felon Sean Irvine, but his history in his first term of service literally INCREASED ICE across the state. This should not have been rewarded with a second term and certainly should NOT be the desired result nor standard of Any police force. This power tripping, Police State agenda of the Liberal government and Grant Stevens had the suggestion of ankle brackets like criminals for non isolators during coronavirus.

Corey Wingard was elected to the South Australian Parliament as the Member for Mitchell in March 2014. He was re-elected in 2018 to represent the new electorate of Gibson and was appointed as the Minister for Police, Emergency Services, Correctional Services, Recreation, Sport and Racing in the Marshall Government. Since becoming Police Minister, his office stated that he can not direct the Commissioner to act lawfully or in the commonwealths interests. Since becoming Police Minister, his officer stated that he can not direct the Commissioner to act lawfully or in the commonwealths interests. The reappointment amidst a needed Royal Commission into SAPOL being announced was a floundering of responsibility. For parliament to allow Grant Stevens to continue to destructively lead the police force further into delinquency and ICAC’s exacerbated crime ring was against the Commonwealth's best interests. The executive power of the Commonwealth, although vested in the Queen, exercisable by the Governor-General, and in the words of section 61 of the Constitution ‘extends to the execution and maintenance of this Constitution, and of the laws of the Commonwealth’. DISGRACEFUL days in Australia's History.

The wait for SAPOL and DPP to announce and formalise Kurt Slaven as GUILTY was more of a plot to withhold justice than a wait for the act to charge him. An over half a decades old statement, a near decade old report against a SAPOL paedophile - a serial sex offender aligned with a well practised sex offender protection racket within police forces. The wait, especially after discussing the charging of Kurt Slaven in court 2nd December 2019, with a 3rd Judge to witness this severe abuse of process and institutional harassment. When Judge Mary-Louise Hribal failed to act on the clear institutional targeting of myself I reported the Australian police force alliance with the Gypsy Jokers to the FBI America and the use of International pageantry in correlation with the prostitutions Industry. I told them the location of the Gypsy Jokers gun SAPOL was hiding to extort and blackmail the jokers into hurting people. Reporting the international extortion at least on record in another country ensured the facts could not be hidden.

"This does not make better the facts that to save myself from the mess SAPOL and my family made of my life that I felt I had to move to the other side of the world to stop SAPOL and Australian sexual predators. Which I tried numerous times after SAPOL announced their cover up in 2020. By 2023, I was happy to be anywhere but Australia - Epstein Island 02, holding a Consulate Green card to go to the United States with my brand I had planned to follow up an application I made with the FBI. A decision which after seeing the FBI involvement in policing in Australia I was reconsidering as an option. I refuse to use my mind to contribute to anything I don’t believe in and I was losing belief that the FBI were the good guys fast by the end of 2023."

Such a gross abuse of public officer by ICAC South Australia having sex offenders being protected by malpractise and misconduct within the police force for these years. Witnessing such irresponsibility from this Magistrate and evidently freemasons like David Kyriacou Pedophile protectors not police, as it evidently was by 2020. David Kyriacou failed to withdraw his false statement after I spent much of 2020 calling him out regarding the defamation. The statement and falsified fines used by police to spread malicious accusations with no basis or facts had been mentioned to myself by numerous members of the public and police personnel like Tim Young, excessively over the year of 2019 and 2020. The lack of action towards sex offender Kurt Slaven exposed David Kyriacou as the Freemason and man that engaged in illegal activity even breaching the Privacy Act and invading my confidentiality to run character assassination campaigns hoping to extort and blackmail the silence of government whistleblowers. Persons in the public going as far as stating I did not have a licence as I apparently had drug issues, the bottle shops in Mount Gambier misled to believe I was walking due to a drinking habit. My Mercedes Benz, broken by criminal activity, my own brother to which I had applied for intervention order against in 2017 damaging my Mercedes Benz beyond repair trying to be a pimp with my father for police officer and married man Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL. The vehicle clear as day damaged in the flat I resided in driveway for over a year. The malicious accusations with no basis or facts generating a plot to set myself up with drugs and perceived alcohol issues as I drank to celebrate the small wins in life and the euthanasia of my dog. Random and certainly not alcoholic, my Father a severe drunk committing violence against the family. I could Never be an alcoholic. These malicious rumors coupled with prostitution claims very much exacerbated my emotional distress. The defamatory malicious accusations out of control affecting my employment prospects and reputation over this period of time so badly that my entire family believed them. In turn, I cut out my entire family before resolution knowing I could NEVER forgive persons for believing such malicious accusations with no basis or facts, let alone a victim of sex crimes for petty benefits from the police. Christmas 2020 after my entire family had indulged the character assasination agenda, some family members who only seen myself at Christmas, cut out of my life for life. Disregarding my life whether I had been a prostitute or not was an unforgivable devastation during severe Reckless Endangerment and considering I could have died being made almost homeless I wrote them off as dead in my life, refusing to even attend funerals. The false statement from David Kyriacou and many falsified fines existing for years in a plot to cover up the 60 - 80% of the police forces involvement in the sex industry and the STD’s they had contracted. The landlord Vivienne Dunstone who’s son stole off myself with Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL in a bribe taking plot to engage in illegal activity was adamant to make me homeless. Her actions solidifying legal actions from myself of loss of investment, emotional distress and defamation, with theft and reckless endangerment flow on charges from the events of Wednesday October 23rd of 2020. The statement Freemason David Kyriacou falsified not only damaging but irrefutably made up to protect criminally offending officers - sex offending officers and the police’s illegal involved in the sex industry with STD’s. Having witnessed first hand the VICPOL hierarchy covering up Damian Ferrai with an STD known to himself, it was evident the Australian Police Force practised this malpractice and corruption regularly to cover up police crimes and criminal engagements. David Kyriacou, self proclaimed on LinkedIn as 23 years within the SAPol police force had a rank of Inspector, clearly demoted in 2020. The Freemason worked in Adelaide Prosecutions in 2020 and was the first person to allow David Bradley to breach intervention order in 2014. David Bradley known to police as a Graham Young debt collector at this time, David Kyriacou was very aware of the police force wannabe gangster activities and compromises and I knew this as he was present the night of David’s attempted manslaughter of myself, offending with a knife after I provided SAPOL member Paul Griffiths with the recording which led to Gordon Hamm’s murders convicted. David Bradley had attacked myself after a visit to 8 mile creek where Gypsy Joker Sargent of Arms Boof resides. Boof running Graham Young as I had informed David Kyriacou in 2014 - the Freemason actions to side with gangs to run prostitutes allowed to Gypsy Jokers to start to take over the global sex industry. A pedophile and rapist gang over 6 years gaining astronomical levels of power through extortion. Something I was determined to stop. My Father having been talked about for years for hiding a gun for Boof I planned to get the Gun from Koondi Road septic quietly until the police tried to flounder arrest the Sargent of Arms Boof, at this time I exposed the gun location so the idea of murder would not hide the crime. David Kyriacou's statement coupled with a fine made up under Andrew Locks misconduct the final desperate plot from SAPol to excuse their involvement in the sex industry and blackmail foiled by the truth and my extenisive knowledge of things whispered about in the small city of Mount Gambier. We were a country riddled with police officers protecting sex offenders with any excuse, making up drug addiction notions. Some officers with plots to clean up and wife biker slop prostitutes for themselves and friends. The actions leading to extortion and blackmail regarding prostitute clients for life without the prostitutes doing time in jail. Myself over the lies of David Kyriacou’s false statement in 2020 I began having drug tests via Hawkins Medical Clinic doctor knowing the result could only be negative with no trace of drugs in my system. The Guilt of the pedophile crime David Kyriacou was trying to hide for Kurt Slaven was irrefutable at the end of 2019, both SAPol and ICAC South Australia failing to act on this guilt was low and disgusting. I entered the courts in 2020 with ALL false statements from police personnel involved in the court proceeding proven to be malicious, vindictive and defamatory.

Guilt proven in the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement, the false PIMS report investigated, completely falsified and concluded this autobiography. The Justice System showed that ICAC had eroded Judicial Independence with the way it was operating. Ugly Heros - The price of unlawful enforcement, Life in the Shadow of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police with a settlement no less than seeing jail time served for such obscurity of this serious offending was guaranteed under National Integrity.

Bemused by the Entirety of the last 6+ years, reporting Kurt Slaven sex offences and Paul Griffiths for neglectful investigation, perverting the course of justice and reckless endangerment offending in 2014. Paul Griffiths reported to SAPOL Investigations via Aaron Roche of VICPOL in October 2014 and November 2014 regarding Kurt Slaven’s historical sex offending. The Road to Resolution and the complexity of investigating these years and operations was Overwhelming.

The investigation concluded that in the Sheriff owned premises rented by myself and partner in 2001 that in efforts to further intimidate and silence myself from speaking out against Kurt Slaven, the pedophile category sex offencer, killed my 2 pet Rabbits in the Margaret Street property on the last night of the rentals lease.

Years of evidence of the endless crimes against humanity, Privacy Act illegalities, Human Rights crimes, recorded mental anguish, judicial abuse, cover ups, targeted harassment, victims rights abuse, abuse of process and power, falsified information amounted to decades of malpractice and misconduct against myself. An evidence trail through the roof of SAPol, ICAC South Australia and Nationally the Australian police targetting myself - a Victim of numerous sex crimes stemming to offences against a minor. The Stress and vexation, loss in values to Barbwire Noose and Integrity compensation claims against the police criminal conduct of the numerous officers that had offended against myself were priceless to compensate. These corrupt actions undertaken by the Policing Sector to fabricate a cover up of Political Sex Offencers and police force sexual criminality like Kurt Slaven exposing irrefutable amounts of Guilt and a desperation by police to cover up 20+ years of SAPOL with gang alliances. The police force's offenses extend to numerous victims, not just myself. Utterly Disgusting facts and revelations made for National Integrity.

There was Excitement I felt in the knowledge that Kurt Slaven was proven Guilty. Deflation in the revelation there was also a little haul to go with the court process. Christmas 2019 passed without Kurt Slaven and many sex offenders charged followed by Christmas 2020 under severe Reckless Endangerment was excruciating even though justice would prevail. A Guilty verdict for Kurt Slaven, seeing police officers exposed for their criminal conduct and resolution to the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement inevitable even though it was something SAPOL and many Australian Police wanted to avoid. Jail time unavoidable for ‘The Monster’ - Kurt Slaven. As for an end to the discrepancies of the Australian Federal Police overseen homicide tragedy, this autobiography undeniably exposes the neglectful investigation and extensive perversion of the course of justice taken by all involved. Crimes against Humanity the lowest and most heinous conduct I witnessed, suffered and reported.

National Integrity inevitable I was shocked but not surprised the South Australian Liberal Government would not duly engage the much needed Royal Commission into SAPOL with these facts too big to ignore. Kurt Slaven being charged and his irrefutable Guilty, exposing so much police criminality and destructive behaviors within the Australian policing culture. Resolution, Human Rights Activism that could not be covered up with these facts spoken so boldly and publically.

The biker war between my family and Hanns Scheidl, Luke Hubert Scheidl and my Dad was a proven rivalry on Monday 5th of October 2020. My family also proving they are full blown liars and will stop at nothing for petty power. Luke Hubert Scheidl was right, I was used as 'rape bait' by my own family. My Mother on the 7th of October trying to gaslight myself into their denial of the truth after leaving me freezing for hour Trying to house me in a caravan in the new 3 garage shedding my parents had conveniently build. One of the many, MANY purchase my parents were able to make after lying in 2016 for SAPOL. The fact that my own cousin undermined a minors rights after assaulting the 17 year old to keep his job is not disgraceful enough experience for myself to endure fights for justice as a minor with a police offender against myself. It was made worse when my Dad would not let go of the drug addict Lie he made up in court for the Gypsy Jokers. After taking money instead of gaining a true outcome to a crime in 2012, seemingly my family spent 8 year's on a defamation campaign for petty kickbacks wherever they could find one. Liking the experience to David Bradley being housed in the shed as a Real drug addict and the dog accusations from my family when I reported them for using my life with the police force. I made a decision to NEVER forgive my parents for this moment. 36 years and in front of the world my parents dehumanized my life and lied for government corruption aligned with pedophiles and rapist police. Something I will never understand and never want to. It had been 4 years since I drove off on my now drunk of a Father after his abuse. Physically assaulting me 3 times since I left home and once in front of David Bradley I lost respect for my own Father this day. Something that no matter what could never return to be true. For years the police had flirted the idea that Mick Dermody or David Pastrami were actually my Father and in this moment I evidently thought that maybe they were telling the truth, as how do you treat a biological child in such a disgusting way. Having heard about Annette Bradley telling her own son to kill himself, I was quickly snapped back to reality that some people just don't care about much more than themselves. The facade of a town of repatched or ex Gypsy Jokers unfolding when I called out Hanns Scheidl to stand against a Kurt Slaven and Gypsy Joker originating regime unfolding. Refusing the Truth, in 2020 it was irrefutable that my family were involved in much of the character assassination that had continued for the last 4 years and had tried to set me up as a prostitute after I reported Kurt Slaven for his sexual crimes against myself to cover up the crime against ther own daughter, a minor. The Gypsy Jokers recruiting rapists and pedophiles protect them as well. By 2020 I knew Luke's Dad - Hanns had travelled around Australia with his wife setting up Methamphetamines and Hydroponics networks while Tojo played President of the Gypsy Jokers in Mount Gambier. Hanns Scheidl, after the stand in President (Tojo) was shot at by Sargent of Arms Boof Howell, moving into Tojo houses after the shooting. Seemingly Hanns Scheidl land was all acquired with illegitimate alliance - criminal activity contributions to many aspects of operation. Also seemingly for year's fooling the police playing a perceived associate Hanns housed his President InHouses he had actually occupied or owned himself. Known as President of the Gypsy Jokers Phildo, predominantly living in Adelaide residing in a Carpenters Rocks property Luke Hubert Scheidl stated his Father used to own. The ownership paperwork is clearly forged. Phildo in a proven corrupt justice system has been able to avoid losing the property via proceeds of crime by claiming he inherited it from his Father. Luke Hubert Scheidl spoke a lot of a person called “China” who forges documents in 2014. A person apparently wanted under a warrant who avoided being arrested even though under a federal investigation his whereabouts were known. “China” Hayden Thring known in Mount Gambier for his extensive involvement in drug trafficking, illegal online activity including hacking/forging documents and the ability to supply most products wanted by illegal industry it was disturbing to witness the Federal Police, VICPOL and SAPOL not act on such a criminal individual knowingly.

I called out Hanns Scheidl status by approaching him for a statement against Kurt Slaven knowing his son was protected by Kurt Slaven when he commited Grand theft auto year's before I met Luke. Over the 4 years since my house was illegal acquisitioned and my Father alerted me of the malicious accusations with no basis or facts regarding prosituing I had followed everything I knew about Scheidl that was happening around and around me. Numerous blocks of land had been sold to Woolworths developers by persons like Scheidl. Blocks of land sold to council used as chop shops and to cook Methamphetamine for a decade. Persons known to police, self proclaimed friends of Tim Young of VICPOL, the sales demolished and cleared land in turn covering up crime and generating further profit too. Can't say that's not smart though unethical. In 2006 Hann's had turned up with much concern for a Gypsy Joker henchmen and ICE cook that was suicidal. A man that sexually assaulted the Vulnerable, known to rape men has a story of his own that he was molested as a kid. The rescued of the Timber mill supplying prized methamphetamine cook an event discussed on federal investigation audio in 2014. This cook via my brothers best friend residing in my brother's rental with his drug addict friend cooking in the property. Hanns alliance with Kurt Slaven and manipulation of the CIB and Portland police station proving that in fact Hanns Scheidl was the President of the Gypsy Jokers and Phildo was just a cover who the police played as an asset in courts because they profit from the illegal industry and use their statewide illegal prostitutes. Ages spanning to minors with long history of the police force being prominent customers to the Gypsy Jokers illegal trades.

The fight for Human Rights justice and just outcomes against numerous sex offenders exposed the severity of my families greed for power. My parents continuing with severe defamation to hide their association with the bikers which developed into clearly an alliance after I left home had them try desperately to make me homeless. My own parents and the corruption of the police force tried desperately to disrupt the brand's sales to no end in 2020. Illegally confiscating my belongings, equipment to manufacture and residency in a plot which Recklessly endangered my life. The decision caused much damage to the building I was residing in as I desperately tried to defend myself - defending my Human Right to safety and security as Australia promises in the Constitution for its citizens and those in our Nation. Staying between paid accomidation and with a talented local who had previously modelled for Barbwire Noose® and also produced the first of our Unisex products in the ACCESSORIZE line - ‘Ryder’ recycled skateboard rings. It was devastating to endure the son of landlord Vivienne Dunstone, Todd yelling at myself with lies and stealing my property saying it was a sign and that he was taking it to the police. The situation escalated to the owner/neighbour Pam and Vivienne Dunstone contributing to Reckless Endangerment with their decisions and communication. 2 elderly ladies facing Reckless Endangerment, Defamation and Emotional distress charges as a result of the police force continuing to malicious accusations with no basis or facts about myself and my business. Charges I did not want to press against these women and stipulated on the Chest Cam of SAPOL officers Constable Sloan and Robert Halleday. Myself not willing to negotiate any criminal charge offences by offenders against myself.

Further SAPOL Chest Camera footage - year's of Chest Camera footage showing not only the dehumanising behaviour of our police force but the depth of criminal corruption embedded in the force. The Australian Police Force was unable to deter criminal behavior as they were a majority of the offending. Their inability to protect informant Nicola Gobbo when most of the offenders were incarcerated and known to police is a prime example of the lack of confidentiality, Integrity and service in safety the Australian Police Force can provide. The fact that persons need to be internationally relocated because of the police forces bribe taking and manipulated gang behavior the least of the disgraces to be exposed in the years long delayed National Integrity Commission. My Uncle Greg in 2016 withholding my Qantas dividends and allowing malicious accusations with no basis or facts illegal acquisition my property even though SAPOL had years of video recording's proving I had NEVER been a prostitute. In 2020 I again asked for my shares. Making a call to Qantas shares management and discussing the estranged relationship and the unauthorised management of my shares to which Greg had managed for years. Inherited shares from Step Grand Father Robert Harding of my Father’s family withdrawn from investment as Qantas informed myself by my Uncle Greg a disgusting out of control action taken by my Uncle. Activity exposing to all in the most outrageous Reckless endangerment situation his dehumanising nature and further circumstances that Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL police created by stealing property and having landlord Vivienne Dunstone face numerous criminal charges and address in the inevitable National Integrity Commission. Vivienne Dunstone and her son so greedy and dehumanizing in their behavior stopped at nothing to run Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL prostitute cover up agenda. Treating myself with such contempt they not only recklessly endangered my life, engaged in severe defamation by committed insurance fraud with Elders Real Estate Mount Gambier. The Mother and Son felons at least in the year of 2020. After being landlords privately for years and engaging in this practice without fear or second thought, one would not be surprised if the landlord history of this family was riddled with felonies.

I was the second family life my Uncle had disregarded. My Dad spending 2 years investigating the death of his biological Father, an man Uncle Greg bitterly hated and I barely remembered by felt much love for. Joseph Stanley Hobbs was a successful carpenter and won Best and Fairest player for the SANFL Port Adelaide Magpies prior to AFL competition. Playing fir the football club at its highest level fir years, my Poppa passed in controversial circumstances. My Uncle never attended his funeral and evidently with the complete disregard he had shown for my life and the shear hate projected he may have contributed to the murder of his own flesh and blood. My poppa, Stan died in 1990, his funeral was held in 1992. Barbwire Noose product 'STAN' a permanent design in my streetwear collection - Always Loved, R.I.P. A case to be revisited in National Integrity Commission, without an undeniable alibi Uncle Greg should be a suspect. Decisions so out of control, that even though 3 states of Australia and numerous police officer's were aware of the situation. No one seemed to have the Gaul to rectify the situation within our entire National Police Force. Tim Young of VICPOL, David Kyriacou of SAPOL, Matthew Jackson of NSWPOL and numerous lawyers with month's of records of illegal activity which the most severest of criminals did not endure. Reckless endangerment of the most severe nature to be seen in Australia was the final desperate avenue taken by the Australian Police Force in efforts to hide their use of prostitutes, spread of STD's regarding unresolved gang warfare and the police alignment with bikers which had escalated to the police force having heavily committed crimes within policing. Person's directly related to the prostitute industry if Australia, a relative of Graham Young and Billy Plunkett taking much interest in UGLY HEROS just before it's publication. The spread of STD developing into short term and long term infections coupled with the fact I was immunized against STD's with an article printed in The Border Watch Newspaper the straw that broke the camel's back regarding the police's knowledge of STD threats. Myself testing negative for year's after a threat of an infection yet focused on instead of persons who had tested positive like Jason Parker or many of the COA boys revealing the bitter agenda of many STD carrying police men who should have had their STD on record, like Damian Ferrari.

The Mount Gambier police station obsessed with the malicious accusations with no basis or facts that I was a prostitute and the excessive efforts of the police force to cover up association, STD's and infidelity causing myself to defend myself for months against the life threatening cover up agenda. Reckless endangerment SO severe I had to relocate from Mount Gambier after receiving a phone call from Women’s Safety Contact Officer stating David Bradley was in South Australia and had pled guilty to breach of intervention order against myself. The phone call revealing the police had thought they had successfully covered up their use of prostitutes and also that David Bradley had been allowed access to my personal safety with others - Affray. My main concern at this time to survive the circumstances created to speak in the extended until 2023 Disability Royal Commission, I was lucky to find refuge with persons aware these circumstances stemmed from whistleblowing and were malicious accusations with no basis or facts. The state of Australian policing in Australia hitting the most disgraceful level in History under Scott Morrison leadership with the PM Office personally aware of my circumstances. Scumo's legacy the worst in Australian modern history.

The second family life my Uncle had disregarded. My Dad spending 2 years investigating the death of his biological Father, an man Uncle Greg bitterly hated and I barely remembered but felt much love for. Joseph Stanley Hobbs was a successful carpenter and won Best and Fairest player for the SANFL Port Adelaide Magpies prior to AFL competition. Playing for the football club at its highest level for years, my Poppa passed in controversial circumstances. My Uncle never attended his own Father's funeral. Evidently with the complete disregard he had shown for my life to the point of severe Reckless endangerment and the shear hate project towards his Dad and himself he may have contributed to the murder of his own flesh and blood. A case to revisit in National Integrity Commission investigations, without an undeniable alibi my Uncle Greg should be a suspect.

The emotional distress of reckless endangerment was extreme. Even though I spent time with my friend and even indulged a new state in Australia I had nightmares about the threat of loss of my belongings at 7/1a Hart Street, Mount Gambier. A collection of irreplaceable items and property stolen from my possession. State legislation allowing councils to have secret debates for commercially sensitive reasons, including issues relating to tenders, litigation and legal advice, as well as the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning an individual’s personal affairs. The extent of malicious accusations with no basis or facts made me not only unsafe but uncomfortable within the small community of Mount Gambier knowing I had been discussed for years, followed by another illegal eviction.

Though I have always felt equip with many coping methods after seeing a counsellor for emotional distress in 2005 when reporting severe neglect and sexual crimes in government department IDSC. The need to talk about the experience was overwhelming and the only thing that elevated the trauma a little. The events that occurred since 2014 were Experiences that would never really subside. I was traumatised further by a counsellor named Stephanie Baker of the women's safety services who not only seemed to relish in my distress but expressed that the police had successfully covered up sexual crimes, implying the use of prostitution industry which I knew involved a series of rapes and police force employed sexual offenders. If the police as Stephanie Baker stated were covering up their use of prostitutes this was a clear admission of police blackmailing biker gangs and person's associated with the sex industry. Blackmail the action, treated as a criminal offence, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.

Quoting a brave international sexual assault survivor before disclosing Women's Safety Service officer Stephanies disgusting attitude as a counsellor. Jenn Haskamp, a Marine Corps veteran, USA. “Having military sexual trauma as part of my history is emotionally exhausting. I don’t walk into a room and introduce myself as a rape survivor, but it’s always there. It’s there in such a stifling way that I actively plan coping mechanisms for the times I need to talk about it.” Relating to the quoted in its entirety, Stephanie called during the reckless endangerment period I spent at the Mount Gambier Motel. The day before I left to Alice Springs, I broke down crying over the ordeals I had endured and the sex crimes commited by Kurt Slaven. The corruption and calis women send an email which I quote read "Following on from our contact last week, please find a letter in relation to the Women’s Safety Program. As we talked about, because Mr. David Bradley is no longer required to do the Domestic Violence and Abuse Prevention Program, our program is not able to provide you with ongoing support. However, if you wanted me to call one further time to discuss your safety plan then please let me know when would be a good time for this and I can give you a call. With this, just keep in mind that I work part time (see signature below for my availability). - Stephanie Baker from Women's Safety Service.

Women’s Safety Contact Officer" Not the counselling I needed after years of sexual crimes, injustice and neglectful investigations into rape offences committed against myself.

Both of the properties which I had been illegally displaced causing nightmares. My 69 Penola Road premises also a feature of my nightmares and Luke Hubert Scheidl being present in the Barbwire Noose office property. For years I had listened to meditations music sleep, a ex boyfriend sleeping to meditations music I had been indulging this form of relaxation and mental health self care since 2008. Oprah and Deepak Chopra meditation centre a favorite source of meditation music, nothing helped elevate the emotional distress of reckless endangerment. The trauma of the experience so overwhelmingly consuming I sort counselling about the ordeal.

On Monday the 16th of November 2020 the judicial system corruption within South Australia with the abuse of powers through ICAC proved to be unprecedented and out of control. David Bradley still unchanged by police for attempted Manslaughter regarding myself and Luke Hubert Scheidl after numerous intervention order breaches was on court record ordered a minimum of 3 months imprisonment for further breaches to his intervention order was given a good behavior bond by the new presiding Judge Maria Panagiotidis, overruling Honorable Judge Teresa Anderson ruling. The second abuse of power and inconsistent with court ruling outcome Judge Maria Panagiotidis undertook. Judge Maria Panagiotidis, the Magistrate that allowed SAPOL proceedings being an abuse of process if “they [the proceedings] are seriously or unfairly burdensome, prejudicial or damaging, or productive of serious and unjustified trouble and harassment.” Furthermore the courts - “the inherent power…to prevent misuse of its procedure in a way which, although not inconsistent with the literal application of its procedural rules, would nevertheless be manifestly unfair to a party to a litigation before it, or would otherwise bring the administration of justice into disrepute among right-thinking people” making a second ruling against Honorable Judge Teresa Anderson previous outcome determination. Honorable Judge Teresa Anderson recognising the departmental institutional harassment of SAPOL and other linked organisations towards myself in 2018. The judge who self proclaimed hearing of the Kurt Slaven offence as a presiding Adelaide judge the first and most prime example of "Integrity

Commission is a fraudulent nonsense, designed to protect ministers, parliamentarians and their aides from investigation and exposure,” as Honorable Stephen Charles stated about Federal Integrity.

Myself found NOT GUILTY on September 4th 2020 by December 4th 2020 was a verdict that had proved to be a perversion of the course of justice by the DDP in regards to charging Kurt Slaven and resolving the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement even though it was the right outcome. A trial that fell far short of minimum standards of fairness I made an application at this time for a Supreme Court appeal for resolution. Contesting part of the outcome based on grounds of my plea of NOT GUILTY going unrecorded in the defamatory sharing evidence case, myself being charged under the police disciplinary act to which I was found Not Guilty. An Act to which over 6 years countless police had actually committed offences.

Sunday the 29th of November 2020, just prior to supreme court appeal I had found out that the malicious accusations with no basis or facts had led to my belongings being stolen at the least by the landlord who had unlawfully acted during the global coronavirus pandemic to displace, disrupt and ultimately Recklessly endanger my life I could not control the emotional distress. The events of the 6 years following cooperation with police leaving myself with complex Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Complex PTSD describes a more severe and long-term condition that can occur after prolonged and repeated trauma. In silence my body shook from adrenaline as I tried to calm my mind. Nothing mattered in this moment, not my life or life itself, not the Disability Royal Commission I was speaking in and led to myself targeted as a whistle-blower. NOTHING mattered without my dog Rossi to rationalize reality. I hated life, not my life but every life around me. I despised every liar, every criminal, every corrupt cop and every try hard friend I knew, knowing I could happily watch them suffer as they watched me suffer. A monster inside, devoured by the experience. I cried, not normal crying but a dry forced weep like a killer that had just taken the life of their lover. In this moment I felt NOTHING. NOTHING but thoughts of revenge, thoughts of annihilation, I shared the truth because it matters and planned out my next week like it could be the end of something, someone - this suffering. Neuroscientist who study rage say we're all capable of doing something terrible. I was at boiling point and booked myself into stress counselling.

Suzie Francis of VICPOL on the 3rd of December 2020 working with David W Young (D/Sgt 23474) also of VICPOL at the Geelong Police Station exacerbating my emotional distress furthers trying to mock my mental stability, not caring that I was the voice of many other victims including non cognitive, mute Disabled Persons - On international day of Persons with Disabilities of all days. These 2 VICPOL officers feigning responsibility for taking over 6 months to interview and failing to charge a sex offender with child abuse offences in South Australia also the most pathetic officers I dealt with. After being subject to much dehumanizing conduct at the hands of the police force, my family and rape protecting governance for these two VICPOL police officers to take the cake was quite a poor achievement, no medals for protecting sex offenders though - Thank God.

The lists of crimes committed against myself, extensive sexual crimes, were committed with police and government knowledge. I am the unfortunate survivor of the most substantial amount of sexual crimes committed against an innocent victim with police knowledge in Australian history. Reality is that regardless of my assistance in the Gordon Hamm homicide, my life had been used and abused by SAPOL for years. Reality is regardless of my Whistle-blowing of severe neglect and sexual crimes committed under government department IDSC, my life had been used and abused by SAPOL for years. My life since becoming a police made victim, assaulted by a predatorial police officer Kurt Slaven as a minor. The biggest compromise, used and abused by SAPOL for years. Only outdone by the mute, non cognitive disabled persons also known to government until they died. A police force of So Many officers, Australia wide, guilty of turning a blind eye.

My Uncle - tyrant as defined, behind many lies turning a blind eye to sexual assault and marijuana. Prohibition something he seemingly didn't openly admit, he had the correct view on. Prohibition in short increases black market crimes through to benefiting corporate greed and elite stuffy old white men more than anything else. The Story Behind The Brand - A fight for Human Rights. Princess Marcia - a dedicated advocate for humane society “I hope that the future sees an end to war and the war on drugs, and brings peace and understanding to our cultures, individualism and world.”

A random email from a subscription I never made got me through 2018 during the writing of the statement against Kurt Slaven, this below. Not knowing Darryl Peter Wright was the biggest hand in hurting myself - obsessed with the revenge porn Luke Hubert Scheidl and police allowed to circulate. Clearly with emails and communication like below. Noddy - nothing more than a South African version of the Monster Kurt Slaven. 12 years in the Army rang through my mind the entirety of 2019 knowing his "I'll look after you." was implicating during the years of 2018 and 2019.

Like my families hands in my suffering, almost unfathomable. How does anyone rape bait out a little girl and watch sex crimes go rife as family or just because they cheated on their wife?!

As Noddy - Darryl Peter Wright faded to Nobody, just a bitter man - damaged by his flaws and engagement in prostitution, engaging the dirty work on a whistle-blower A man who over shadowed good intentions with power and greed, starting off a better man than he finished. Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL, a former South African Army member is not only a Monster but a torturer, who engaged character assassin, actively under the Labor and Liberal government with many other members of the police force, public and my family. It could be said David Kyriacou was also one of these men. Eugene De Kock is the most famous government activist in the world. De Kock former colonel in the police force of the apartheid regime. His claim to fame is commanding the infamous Vlakplaas unit which specialised in executing and torturing anti-apartheid activists. The actions of these men can be compared to Eugene De Kock who was released from South African incarceration on parole in 2015, having been sentenced to more than 200 years behind bars in 1996. The most famous person in Africa to fight the anti-apartheid is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Born 18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) an anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. I believed Tim was proven as my Travis I was looking for from 2015 - Smittened. The Facebook and Instagram profile active since 2011 and Heavy Metal music orientated stating he was heading to Melbourne to rescue me from Luke Hubert Scheidl Domestic Violence around the time Tim headed to Melbourne from a smaller city in Victoria to join the police force. David Kyriacou proved to be undermining society's laws and running agendas for the government with questionable Freemasons. David Kyriacou's false statement perverting the course of justice for sex offenders including pedophiles for years.

2020 seen the Song 'Illusionist' Band FUTURE PALACE featuring Tobias Rische, a Motivation.


"You will never push me down

You will never see me fall the same

'Cause I have seen I have seen

All the things you've done

I will never feel so lost

I will never be suppressed - again

By such a weak such a weak

Such a weak man"

Life - Music - Freedom.

Why?? The Main of Many questions to be answered and faced in Royal Commission into SAPOL, myself being a police made sex crimes and rape victim poster girl to Unlawful Enforcement. In the height of Australia’s corrupt governing climate, Australia showing the lowest it will go to get away with governance crimes. A Bill of Rights Australia imperative.

The Anger, Betrayals, Frustration and Emotional Distress was SO overwhelming the contemplation of killing all my attackers and everyone involved with sex crimes and the harm I suffered consumed me.

Quoting an article titled 'The age of righteous rage' printed in The Australian newspaper "Anger is a much maligned word, especially when it comes to women. Historically we were not meant to question; to be explosive, loud, stroppy, furious. Yet many of us are. About so much. Anger is a force for change and when I see it in a female wronged or ignored or drowned out I have to say, it’s magnificent."


I related to every word of this statement.

My gaze deep, cold and lifeless as I struggled to feel human, emotionally numb and dead inside. Charges needed to be laid and the displacement and disruptions rectified as I feared the worst would inevitable eventuate after such profound suffering.

2017 - I refused family Christmas with Unger and Hobbs/Harding.

Christmas Shoot for Barbwire Noose.

2018 - I refused family Christmas with Unger and Hobbs/Harding.

House sat while Anto surprised his wife for Christmas.

2019 - I refused family Christmas with Unger and Hobbs/Harding.

Last Christmas with Rossi my German Shepherd in Mount Gambier.

2020 - I refused family Christmas with Unger and Hobbs/Harding.

Staying in the Northern Territory with friend Heath.

Never seeing my family at Christmas or ever again was a decision that I was willing to make a permanent one.

It felt like femicide. The most common form of femicide defined as “Honor killings” — in which a male relative or other family member kills a woman or girl over sexual or adulterous behavior to maintain the family’s honor — primarily occur in parts of the Middle East and South Asia. In India, women often die at the hands of their in-laws if they provide an insufficient dowry — a sum of money or goods that a bride pays to a groom’s family before marriage. Hence my inability to forgive my family forsaking me.

On the 16th of December 2020 the actions of the Federal Police Force and government saw my Human Services account severely interfered with. The plot to keep me destitute irrefutable with my own family withholding $9700.00 owned in damages to my Mercedes Benz. My brother hit the vehicle with a hammer and stepped on the car roof denting the vehicle to the point of structural write off and beyond cost effective repair. I had given my family until the 11th of December 2020 to stop engaging in malicious accusations with no basis or facts, their absent response solidifying that they were not prepared to be wrong - like the police and government unprepared to back up their malicious accusations with no basis or facts in court. I was unprepared to forgive them when the truth came out.

The actions and evidence surmountable and substantial by this date. Actions my family indulged in combination with the police force and government revealing a distinct agenda to use financial restriction to silence my voice and pervert the course of justice. Efforts to try and disrupt the print of this Autobiography which I had paid almost $10,000 in print costs by this stage irrefutable. Seeking refuge in an Apartment in the Northern Territory the rent was $600.00 per fortnight through First National Real Estate Frampton. I was paying my friend $300.00 per fortnight for rent and at least $100.00 extra each week for expenses and purchasing my own food. Having briefly spoke to the real estate agent about visiting from South Australia and staying in the Apartments the residential details were forwarded to Human Services temporarily naming myself. The government for years had used manipulation of my accounts to hold my progress in life back, always able to Aquatics Teach my income was always of an external nature. Low at times with the Income of Barbwire Noose®, Profit/Loss submitted to Human Service since undertaking the government New Enterprise Initiative Scheme in 2009. My history with Human Service vast I had Never accumulated working credits as everyone else I knew did, a record of this discrimination occurring spanning over a decade with myself not caring about this fact. By 2020, after nearly 2 decades of breaches to my Privacy, police accessing MyGov out of spite with no legal investigation and my funds being inferred with constantly over nearly 2 decades which included banking institutions, I Cared. This period of my life and the evidence within Centrelink and MyGov against the police and government targeting was irrefutable. Tim Young of VICPOL needed Federal Approval to run his smear campaign for the government had already proved he lacked not only credibility, but character as a police officer was undeniably at fault within this illegal activity and life threatening result.

Further defamation and damages created by this desperate facade being played out by police and government authorities as without the withholding of millions, now into billions of dollars due to myself I would NEVER have spent up to 3 hours on the phone with Human Services learning about the discriminatory methods taken by governments towards low income demographics.

The 17th of December 2020 leading up to Christmas seen my family stoop lower as I refused to forgive the mocking and dismissal of Kurt Slaven rape offence with malicious accusations with no basis or facts. My brothers partner and Mother of his child trying to extort $7000.00 I Never owed my brother from myself after I called out the excessive damage he perpetrated that seen my Mercedes Benz irreparable. The threat of a lawsuit frivolous, disgraceful and unimaginably hurtful was something I encouraged once the threat was made. My Father having committed perjury in SATAC court regarding the lease contract between myself and my brother, it was evident at this point my family were trying to extort money owed to myself for their own personal gain. All members of my direct family having had benefited from the malicious accusations with no basis or facts that circulated about myself for years while I almost solely fought for justice in a cover up exposed beyond denial.

2 record phone conversations acquired from Freedom of Information, Receipt No: 033584 from Wednesday 16th December 2020 and Receipt No. 356612 from the 18th of December 2020. Both calls demonstrated not only any agenda to disrupt my entire life but that the government's decision to place person's on payment cards had NOTHING to do with spending on Cigarettes or Alcohol as it restricts. Indue Limited, ABN 97 087 822 464 (“Indue”) is a bank and Authorised Deposit-Taking Institution (“ADI”) that is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Indue is owned by financial institutions, each of which is also an ADI. Supported by Senior Advisory Group of the Indigenous voice to government Marcia Langton recommended by Liberal MP Andrew Forest of the Tony Abbott Liberal government Langton withdrawn her support for the scheme citing it as "brutal" and abuse of the poor. Personally I agree that the card is a gross abuse of welfare and Human Rights. Playing cards - a deck of cards also restricted to purchase and also irrelevant to myself. The temporary refuge in Alice Springs bringing further reckless endangerment as I could no longer afford food and expenses. The Abbott government internationally famous for its brutal Australian refugee policy. This Statement by Malcom Fraser, Former Liberal PM made in 2015 before he passed reflective of the Australia led by a Liberal government.

"If they are genuine refugees, there is no deterrent that we can create which is going to be severe enough, cruel enough, nasty enough to stop them fleeing the terror in their own lands."

"Australia is now known around the world as the most inhumane, the most uncaring and the most selfish of all the wealthy countries."

Greed and treachery rife within the Morrison Liberal government running policies and laws not fit for purpose causing preventable harms and intolerable human rights violations for far too many people.

To survive I withdrew money invested in Barbwire Noose. Setting back my one love the only option I had as allocated payments were not processed by Human Service. These recorded conversations revealing the facts and that I was so reckless endangered during this time, not only could I have died in homelessness but it revealed the Federal Police and governments abuse of government departs did not disrupt criminal activities, instead it literally aided and abetted them. The association laws proved beyond doubt as not fit for purpose in there application against myself.

Identified during an inquiry in 2017 the implementation of the welfare card actual increased crime when year to year averages are considered. Tax payers money, my money was being given to the banking giants to accrue interest. The issues did not just extend to as many welfare recipients had raised as concerns, the embarrassing rejections at checkout for food and basics. They also extended to the government and big banks making money while Human Rights, numerous articles of the Universal declaration of Human Rights were cast aside for petty profits. Monash University publishing paper WELFARE QUARANTINING IN AUSTRALIA 2007-2020 by Dr Sara Maher November 2020. The conclusion highlights not only a permeate agenda Undermining that All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. It encroaches everyone, as a member of society and the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Legislation not fit for purpose and Demeaning. Endless studies showing the Cashless card welfare is ineffective this conclusion extract from the Monash University publication clearly outlines the concerns I witnessed, myself proposing Class Action to Human Services (FOI Receipt No. 814991) on the 21st of December 2020.

"Many claims have been made as to how income management and cashless welfare will improve the lives of those on either scheme. Each iteration has presented a range of issues, including ethical and legal concerns. Some of those concerns, under the NTER and NIM, included the lack of transparency in social worker decisions to do with vulnerability; the use of incentives for the voluntary measure and the lack of, or limited, rights of review.

Increasingly, the CDC is being framed as a tool that not only reduces social harms, such as drinking and gambling, but also improves financial competency and budgeting (Henrique-Gomes,2020, para. 2). Yet, improvement in the lives of those under the scheme appears negligible, and the trials have, unquestionably, caused harm. Lack of appropriate and effective consultation, racial targeting, the blanket applications of compulsory IM, difficulties in applying for exemptions and the creation or reinforcement of welfare dependency, are all significant, and highly problematic concerns. Attempts to redress these concerns, especially given the scale of the policy, have simply not been adequate."

The Federal Police perverting the course of justice and all charges against sex offenders only to try and have myself die living below the poverty line. A decision showing detrimental injustices and almost insurmountable abuses of power.

The police cover up and David Kyriacou false statement claiming drug use had me make up the Kurt Slaven offence and my claim Kyriacou was trying to have a relationship with myself for over a year caused much complications. The use of Human Services to create further defamation making police Vulnerable to not only false statement, defamation and perverting the course of justice charges but showed excessive abuse of power regarding Vulnerable witnesses to which under the false grounds of psychosis I would have qualified. In terms of adult witnesses with disabilities, they should be referred to the WAS in a prompt manner. And it’s preferred that they deliver their testimony via CCTV.

Due to pre-trial evidence disclosure requirements – especially in relation to witnesses not required to appear personally in court – the prosecution needs to carry out any necessary conference before proceedings commence as soon as possible.

DPP lawyers and Crown prosecutors should also ensure that any victim impact statements that have been produced were done so in accordance with the provisions set out in part 3 division 2 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999.

The fact that the South Australian Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) is the statutory body that prosecutes those who have committed serious offences against the laws in SA on behalf of the state and its people did not consider sexual assault commited by Kurt Slaven a serious offence. A fact further undoing the level of institutional harassment I suffered, including the compromise of judicial independence due to the abuse of power and process case against myself prior to charging Kurt Slaven.

Punitive damages, (exemplary damages) claim are damages assessed in order to punish the defendant for outrageous conduct and/or to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed the basis of the lawsuit, loss of opportunity damages, defamation, severe Pain and suffering - a payment for the harmful impact the injury has had on your life, physically and mentally; and numerous other monetary compensation charges including unconstitutional targeting.

Barbwire Noose® as a small company already sustaining the massive interferences from the government since my application for trademarking in 2005, my main income source were sales online without the ability to obtain other work with the police forces malicious accusations with no basis or facts and NO evidence to take to court. Which was why after nearly a decade I had Never been taken to court over the years of malicious accusations with no basis or facts and the endless falsified investigations.

Money has a time value. A dollar received to say is worth more than a dollar received in the future. Conversely, a dollar received in the future is worth less than a dollar received today. Because we earn interest on money received today, it is better to receive money soon rather than later. To not receive money today Economist would say you have suffered an 'opportunity loss'. Since 2014, not only was I nearly made homeless repeatedly and destitute - a living Nikola Tesla, I suffered much opportunity losses due to the police and government combined cover up of illegal and criminal conduct.

It was the 28th of December 2020 when the mistakes of the Gordon Hamm investigation came into full light. Sean Irvine replying to my warning not to make malicious accusations with no basis or facts against me. The cover up plot involving the felon needing him to Deny, deny, deny to cover up for police raping his prostitutes. The self proclaimed felon stating I quote: "Im too smart for them I've always been 10 steps ahead off every cop and dog in that town. They will never catch me and no one will ever know what I really done they ain't got shit on me. So good luck too them but no evidence = no crime. The cops down there couldn't catch a cold in winter they are fucking idiots if I got done for half the shit I allegedly done id never get out. But who's to say I done it hey they don't actually know no one knows except ME and I ain't saying shit so ill sleep fine knowing I wont be convicted off no old alleged crime. Enjoy Marcia this will consume you if ya dont give up and ya never gonna figure it out trust me never" And quote "I know not everyone likes me and I dont care. You can't solve every crime Marcia and what im accused off its simple im not guilty.People can think what they want bout me but no one has the bulls to say anything to my face everyone in that town is all talk the only one that had balls is gone me. I challenge any scum any cop any detective to come at me you won't find shit cos im not guilty and im too good" Being tempted to apply my intelligence and knowledge to the situation was too tempting. I laughed to myself as the self proclaimed tough guy flounder his gangster activities of a pimp for the police force. The half baked cop in me despising hearing the gloating regarding Gordon Hamm life. I laughed to myself as the self proclaimed tough guy flounder his gangster activities of a pimp for the police force. Running scared of his crimes at the expense of the prostitutes he bragged he ran yet failed to protect from sexual crimes. Sexual Crimes committed by police. Denying knowing Paul Griffiths, Sean Irvine exposed himself as weak, with no loyalties and selfish trying to allow the raping of prostitutes he ran, prostitutes raped by Paul Griffiths to go uncharged. An outrageously pathetic conversation with the felon revealing his pride in his criminal behavior despite being to weak to stand against the cop that raped his prostitutes and separated him from his family numerous times as he disclosed to myself in 2017. An distinct appearance of a felon in this moment he reflected Graham Young the Beastilaty King. A nothing in the wind, to caught up in the game to see the years of evidence police had mounted against him. Thinking his exchange of silence regarding Paul Griffiths of SAPOL crimes was going to save him from incarceration. I was Shocked but not surprised with the conversation, I asked those that know him and associate like Hanns Scheidl, who's son claimed Sean Irvine was whom he committed crimes for in 2014, if Sean Irvine runs them as he claimed.

Slut shaming the oldest trick in the book to disrespect and discredit a woman. Slut-shaming is the practice of criticizing people, especially women and girls, who are perceived to violate expectations of behavior and appearance regarding issues related to sexuality. Slut-shaming has been used as a form of bullying on social media, with some people using revenge pornography tactics to spread intimate photos without consent. Slut-shaming is used by men and women. Slut-shaming functions among girls and women as a way of sublimating sexual jealousy "into a socially acceptable form of social critique of girls' or women's sexual expression." The term is also used to describe victim blaming for rape and other sexual assault. This is done by stating the crime was caused (either in part or in full) by the woman wearing revealing clothing or acting in a sexually provocative manner, before refusing consent to sex, thereby absolving the perpetrator of guilt. Myself enduring a label NO ONE would ever have exacerbated to the extent I endured without the excessive involvement of police rhetoric. Outside of discussed boyfriends I found myself legally needing to unnecessarily explain sexual assault that had claimed sexual engagement as well as random pick ups in my life when I was single and during break ups. Pilots, Todd Grima and others amongst the gossip which made up slut shaming myself. The disgusting extent to which Kurt Slaven, police and governance created to try and excuse pedophiles and rapists for their crimes. My brother and family heavily involved in the cover ups and Cheyne engaging in much slut shaming himself. I felt a small relief at the thought of never speaking to him again, making much efforts to finalise all ties with him before Kurt Slaven was charged. Cheyne owed me a sum of almost ten thousand dollars, earning from both his property where he had collected money from ICE production in association with Hanns Scheidl and the Gypsy Jokers through Cheyne's friend Ben Chant and Hanns Scheidl henchman/felon Dion, nickname Diesel. As well as from steady, decent employment in Queensland refused to pay for the damages he committed to my car while I struggled through reckless endangerment. Giving me no choice to seek legal resolution. My parents not wanting to admit the trauma they had caused myself to suffer for years and not wanting to admit the truth behind my conception forced myself to seek the truth via DNA testing. A sperm mash up as the clearly illegally filmed video showed, I didn't care who's sperm won really. Or even if my conception date was the day of the video as rumoured. I cared that my parents did not care about myself and my welfare, which was motivation enough to not care about them.

Making a final point about the outrageous attitude many within the police force had taken towards sexual assault reports I rang the Northern Territory police and was pleased to be met with an appropriate and proportionate approach to sexual crimes. The Alice Springs police surprised at my query but seeming to grasp that Naked is NOT Consent. Nullifying the 'slut shaming' approach to sexual crimes exposed by myself as a culture throughout VICPOL, SAPOL, NSWPOL and even the AFP towards women. Myself proposing to demonstrate that Naked is NOT Consent by strutting in an appropriate manner (no children present) naked. I asked the officer if she would allow me to be raped or think I deserved it if I put myself at risk by wearing no clothes publically. The response of the station clearly and accurately aligned with legal outcomes. I was informed of the consequences of indecent exposure without the condoning sexual assault. Happy with this response which showed humility and integrity, I humoured the police officer before viewing Wonder Woman 1984. Well amused by the conversation and consequently comfortable with the police response, a rarity since assisting the police force in 2014.

As with most friendships, I noticed every change in everyone. No matter how valuable a person was to me the situation exposed their agenda and I was forced during Reckless Endangerment to flee the NT. Desperately the police abused their power and further eroded judicial independence by trying to force the result of their neglectful investigation and cover ups through court. A defamatory charge which exposed Darryl Peter Wright of SAPOL not only as the dishonest police officer he was, but as the 'Monster' described in this autobiography.

In house Publishing expressed in 2021 that when the government is corrupt we have to behave like sheep was a red flag to myself and entirely untrue. Do Not Conform a moto of my brand Barbwire Noose. Conformity is a key to the communist totalitarian agenda and the more willing you are to walk past indecency, immorality and suffering the better. Like the compliant Nazi's who we all know knew right from wrong. Fear Is The Root Of Weakness.

The statement after psychologically damaging commentary was attached to my book by apparently In House, unless they admitted police involvement and breaching my copywrite rights broke my trust entirely. An endless occurrence with persons i trusted In House Publishers to be held accountable at time for severe emotional distress and contribution to Reckless endangerment. Suspecting the agenda, I had submitted this Autobiography to publishers private and worldwide during Reckless endangerment in the Northern Territory. The Queensland publishers laying their disregard for justice and the truth bare for all to see while claiming another male was also publishing a whistleblowing book, I hoped it was a personal story or for resolution. Otherwise it's illegal until National Integrity as whistleblowing government requires official reporting, not just money grabbing and opportunistic exposure.

In-House Publishing Australia had received sums adding up to $10,308.76 on a quote of initially $8,611.00 made on the 14th of January 2019. The severe Reckless Endangerment I endure from October 2020 affecting payments. The editing tier had been lowered in May 2020 which substantially changed costing. This request was made by due to myself taking responsibility for comprehensive proofing. The publication an Autobiography this was a decision I made to protect the publisher after police illegally accessed and edited the document trying to cover up police using prostitutes and spreading STD among other things. Generously I took responsibility for edits, later seeking proofing quotes outside of In-house Publishing services. Wanting the story in my words the publishing business In-House was to be responsible for spelling, grammar and highlighting repetition. With the publication increasing to a 2 book publication by 2020 the quote increased to $11,124.45 with the editing costs revised to reflect the extensive proofing I was personally engaging. Without police trying to 'cover up' police using prostitutes as Stephanie Baker stated $115.69 would have been outstanding as I applied to the Supreme Court of South Australia for revision of an abuse of process and power trial. The publishing house actions became defamatory and seemingly malicious, myself with records of all payments made, I was disappointed to during the period where I had engaged Sexual Assault counselling and Stress related counselling to have to fight for honesty and respect. In-House Publishing having stated they were I quote 'trying to help me' seemed to be trying to help themselves and further extort my story, suffering and funds.

Myself put in a reckless endangerment position by police, while Federal arms of the police force in desperation, strategic narcissism with policies and strategies exercised under the not fit for purpose association law's making decisions which showed an undeniable cover up agenda. An agenda to which with a further poor decision by In House Publishers exposed and implemented them in the corruption and agenda to see myself suffer during this period. And more importantly contribute to perverting the course of justice. Loving to prove Christianity is a cloak for many persons, I waited to see if the publishing house was involved with the breach of my Human Rights to the point of trying to see me suffer - starve. Something God would disapprove, let alone the law. On a day that had many cowards believe I was facing falsified charges. Cowards with crimes to trade trying to act as informants and friends. In house and the latest person to attempt sexual assault due to the situation created in the malicious accusations with no basis or facts and protecting numerous sexual crimes could not deny their cooperation in the institutional agenda to perverting the course of justice. No one knew I had not only adjourned the case but put forward my plea of Not Guilty and requested Trial by Jury. The hearing dated 15th of January 2021 in Mount Gambier magistrates court failed to go ahead. Another abuse of process and power. The activity of the day was odd, but I was happy to see the police had not made further decisions to set precedent that mess with judicial independence.

The owners from In house publishing followed up my request for invested savings to survive after I vocalised their ignorance to the enormity of the situation. Keeping their word this time that I could access my unspent funds to be safe in Reckless Endangerment. I am forever grateful for the steps taken to preserve my life. Despite the obvious play's into institutional harassment which caused much pain and suffering.

Being a saver of money all my life, this period of survival - survival since in 2016 and Greg Hobbs so desperate to try to cover up abusing my life and his disregarding Human Rights - my rights. Trying to cover up having contributed to the illegal acquisition of my home involving my own Father. Greg pulling MY Qantas shares before I got picked up by my friends parents proved beyond doubt he was behind the strategic narcissism. Over a decade not seeing any dividends from Qantas so Greg could socially portray himself as wealthy with more shares in the company than were his. Trying to render myself destitute was beyond words and out of control for over half a decade. By 2021 I wished very little good upon Greg sadly and wanted him jailed for the actions he had taken with my life. A greedy user I was lucky to be alive. Not from Hanns Scheidl and the numerous bullies I had stood up against. My life was endangered for over a decade from Greg, my Uncle. His desperation to make me homeless to have me perceived as poor while he withheld my shares, took my Mercedes Benz which my brother had damaged so I could not sell it to survive. Greg and Darryl Peter Wright trying to cover up the reported damage to my Mercedes for my prostitute using brother. As if the illegal acquisition of 10 years house ownership I had, withheld my Super annuation and withholding millions of dollars in reward money I should have been paid in 2014 for assisting police which jailed 3 persons involved with the Gordon Hamm homicide wasn't enough. All these unforgivable actions, with Hate not cutting it to describe the anger and resentment I had for Greg Hobbs. I have NO respect for the man I was once related to. In house Publishing delaying my requests to refund my savings invested in publication - costs and services not yet provided not only breaking my trust but short term was detrimental. Leaving me in a position where accomodation was negotiated so I could afford to eat. Despite the millions, now billions of dollars this disgraceful cover up, punitive damages, compensation, etc amounted to.

I found a residence quite quickly and moved into a share rental on the 23rd of January 2021. Located in the coveted eastern suburbs of Adelaide living with 1 Indian of mature age and 2 Asian students. All males with partner's. I was happy in the newly built, spacious 4 bedroom flat. Modern marble finished wet areas and open plan living/dining and Kitchen. An unplanned house warming on the first night excluding the Indian resident. 1 of the student flatmates had been fishing on a paid charter where he caught Tuna which was cooked and shared as there was no room in the fridge or freezer to keep the catch. Indulging in Captain Morgan rum to which I'm not really a fan of, my preferred summer drink cider to which I switched to after the first glass was poured. My second night in the new place spent with a chick I had met in Melbourne from the music industry. Acquaintance friends she was travelling thousands of kilometres in an old Mazda 3 she called Patricia. She rested the night in Adelaide. A chicken and vegetable dinner I planned to roast until no one in the house knew how to turn on the oven. Dinner was served with Champagne and Cider. Driving to Glenelg for St.Louis Ice-cream the highlight of the night.

On the 25th day of January it was obvious that my phone device was being stalked like numerous police officers had done. Paul Griffiths, Tim Young, David Kyriacou all having stalked my phone for years I was familiar with Not only the compromise but with how dangerous this activity could be. Having left a Big Bash League game Adelaide Strikers VS Sydney Thunder, no one should have known my location travelling home. I was supposed to be in a taxi as I had told the bus drivers walking past police vehicles to the Norwood parade bus after the Cricket game.

Significantly after after Reckless Endangerment time spent in the Northern Territory, Thursday February 4th of 2021 it could be concluded that National police intelligence regarding the ICE Industry was compromised. The friendship of 18 years which was jaded regarding facts that I would NEVER have a relationship with my troubled friend proved the police force and aligned Freemasonry combined the use of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and many other illegal means to negotiate Intel from unstable persons was widespread manipulation of the justice system. Fonzerelli Shields of NTPOL with a Domestic Violence history was an ex undercover officer not shy to admit these brides took place for better or worse. The activity directly aligned with the SAPOL police force giving felons ICE in 2016 in order to bribe them to provide Intel not caring about truth or just outcomes let alone the mass illegality of this action. A practice undoubtedly not only irrefutably wrong but systematic and National conduct which had stemmed for decades doctoring false evidence so widely spread our police force had compromised International Intelligence. The activity of dealing drug's illegally and unethically to create false intelligence and informants was practised under appointed to Australian Federal Police Commissioner in 2019 Reece Kershaw prior to his AFP appointment. As of October 2019 the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police being Reece Kershaw, formerly the Northern Territory Police, had not only indulged malicious accusations with no basis or facts made under Federal overseen investigation into the murder of Gordon Hamm but played these accusations out to international intelligence. Myself in communication with the New York department of the FBI due to revenge porn produced by Luke Hubert Scheidl and Sean Irvine being circulated in America. American legislation acting on such criminal activity. The extent of the police cover ups So large in scale, the constant delay of the National Integrity Commission being enacted by the Liberal Government compromised not only International Intelligence but compromising National Security was not just a statement but proven fact. Irrefutably extensive evidence of institutional crimes. The federal police spent over 6 months breaching privacy, abusing power in government organisations and irrefutably trying to assist SAPOL, VICPOL and NSW to cover up police and governance using children as low as 12 years old as prostitutes. Evidence of this also exposed in numerous level of ignorance towards political offences exposed in the media at this time. Men and women officers involved in the extensive and exhausting facts of the cover. Person's heavily recorded within systems in their institutional harassment. The NSW police force showing levels of corruption surrounding my life since 2012 under Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione. A police force heavily involved with covering up sex crimes and a drive to run the sex industry in their state, it was irrefutable that the NSW police force used Commachero associates to terrorise members of the community. Sydney established, the gang and police officers offending showed clear coercion and gaslighting tactics which allowed and encouraged rape. A low standard of operations and recruiting within the Commachero/Bandidos motorcycle clubs which can be liked to the foundations of white supremacy gang the Gypsy Jokers. Police Commissioner Dave Hudson who's over a decade in the role was exposed in 2021 to have many questionable decisions over sexual investigation. Documents revealing NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson blocked sex crimes squad pleas to travel to Adelaide to interview Christian Porter’s accuser. The NSW police malpractice exposed showing emails to well publicised in 2021 victim Katherine Thornton just 24 hours before she suicide with no resolution or charges to Liberal political representative Christian Porter. Understanding the agony Kate felt to take her own life I volunteered on Red Armband Day, March 31 2021. Handing out hundreds of Arm Bands at Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia created by the Women's Justice Movement reading #justiceforkate and #wearestillhere. A follow up action to the March4Justice to which I also took part. The front page of The Advertiser Newspaper capturing the Human Rights movement and my passion to obtain justice for myself - for all and Human Rights legislations.

I changed my whole persona on this pursuit for Justice and Human Rights. Finding and losing myself for years after over half a decade of my life was stolen by SAPOL with a police certification they tried to burn. After decades of malicious accusations with no basis or facts were allowed to disrupt my life, my family saving face in fear of the surfacing of a lie. While they lived a lie themselves. Forgiveness is a privilege not a virtue. Those who squander humanity are not entitled to your privileges, my peace. Truth be told, I am happy and that's what matters. No matter who I lost.

Reading at this time the book Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World by H. R. McMaster words resonated with me instantly. Feeling a small sense of relief and understanding from shared experiences. It was institutional strategic narcissism. Out of control strategic narcissism. Quoting Mr McMaster book Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World again I draw attention to our shared and totally agreed upon opinion of strategic narcissism. "Underappreciation of the risks of inaction, such as the complete withdrawal of US forces from Iraq in 2011 or the position to forgo military reprisals for the Assad regimes mass murder of Syrian civilians with chemical weapons 2013. Both forms of strategic narcissism were based mainly on wishful thinking and the definition of problems as one might like them to be as a way to avoid harsher realities. I experienced the effect of strategic narcissism up close. I was often on the receiving end of ill conceived plans, disconnected from the problems they were ostensibly meant to address. That is because strategic narcissism leads to policies and strategies based on what the purveyor prefers rather than on what the situation or mission demands. The assumptions that underpin these policies and strategies often go unchallenged as they provide deceptive rational for foley." These words could be my own. At the fault of Greg Hobbs, direct family and many corrupt police officers, the Australian Association laws - Ugly Heros. My Uncle's plot using my life and relationship with Luke Hubert Scheidl and then allowing police to Recklessly Endanger my Father's life in a serious assault investigation which should have been appealed with numerous convictions amounting to incarceration. The appeal advice something SAPOL and my Uncle did not pursue; instead he opted for an ill conceived plan - strategic narcissism, to which myself and my Father were on the receiving end of for nearly a decade. My Supreme Court appeal taking 2 months to formalise, was finally considered by the Supreme Court of South Australia on the 11th of February after twice I personally attended the Sir Samuel Way Building, Adelaide.

Felon's Sean Irvine and Luke Hubert Scheidl's last defamation attempts proved not only their ongoing activity had stemmed 8 years but that false statements were made in order to bring about a conviction or an acquittal, the actions having a maximum penalty of 14 years. After Sean bragged about how he had bullshitted the police force for years to myself the pair from the Mount Gambier founded COA gang became gloriously undone. For the extra evidence in the years mounting conviction the felons could thank Sean Irvine skank associations he'd made in Queensland. One of these undignified female characters whose vulgar abuse had tried to defend Sean Irvine within a month claiming the Gypsy Joker aligned felon raped her. Despite the poor character of this woman and the abuse I endured from her I sympathised with her. Advising her to report the crime and wished the associated victim, a victim of a felon the police force used as an informant to cover up prostitute use by police, all the best. Another tragedy in this decades long disgraceful cover up.

The Australian Freemasons riddled with STD's and owned by many of the gangs they were aligned with much of this the Gypsy Jokers in Australia spent much time trying to sell me fame in industry that might aswell have been directly the sex industry after many failed attempts to recruit me as a prostitute. Investments in modelling agencies to rebrand prostitutes also extended to burlesque dancing, acrobatics performer's even attempts to make the people involved with extorting the prostitute use into actors in return to silence the crimes and infidelity. Myself with my brand Barbwire Noose, making my own success could not be tempted by such things. I never waived from wanting truth, justice for all and a real cure for human papillomavirus (HPV) which Gardsil alone could not provide with many persons carrying the infection from birth. The HIV vaccine RV 144 the closest the globe was to treatment being made available globally among the many necessary steps to slow the spread of HIV.

My home office, belongings back and genuine investment by like-minded Human Rights orientated people my only desire. 2021 brought my desires without seedy compromise to life. The decade of strategic narcissism brought to an end. Frank Pangello false investigative journalism for profit and politics unraveled the Channel 7 reporter to which I shared the attack on my Dad with, encouraged by my Uncle Greg as a man lacking much integrity and greedy for power irrefutably. The complexities of decades of deceit were grueling. Quote 'Bigger than me' and all about me. About me - Defamation and strategic narcissism so out of control, my life was a whirlwind to the point where even things that should have been untouchable as they were benign like my social media MarciaFreemason were disrupted. Conveniently during the period where journalism was at war with Facebook and the Scott Morrison Liberal government was soiled with years of covering up political sexual crimes. Sick of the constant bullshit of being used I called out both the AFP, FBI and the known to be right-wing social media giant Facebook for their use and abuse of my life and plights against integrity. The emotional turbulence of the global disgrace's the world faced in an ongoing corporate war stemming from the Nazis and Epstein creeps plot for a New World Order which was riddled with heroes and crooks spanning seas and nations came on the day I annihilated my only wrinkle with botox. Formally beginning the process to sue my Uncle Greg for defamation, lawsuits that had been announced for years - a long list of persons to be served with defamation lawsuits by myself. I removed all family members involved with malicious accusations with no basis or facts from my life and asked formally, in writing to be excluded from wills upon family members passing. Wanting nothing to do with persons whom left me reckless endangered at the whim of lies. My absence felt not only in the choices my family made, but in my will to never see them again, vowing to be devoid even at funeral.

2021 bringing resolution was the hardest year. Preparing as Flying Solo 'One's To Watch' Designer for NYFW I was undergoing both stress and sexual assault counselling. Yarrow Place in Adelaide, South Australia highly recommended by the counsellor of my initial whistleblowing day's as a 20 year old as she counselled me through the stress of the passing 6 years. Quoting Afghan files military sector whistleblower David McBride "A number of large law firms refused to take my case because they had a 'conflict of interest' That is, they cared more about Gov' $$$ than justice. Pathetic." My experience whistleblowing the policing sector very similar except it was large or small law firms. Debra Lane Director of DW Fox Tucker Lawyers the best example finding a conflict of interest in the Magistrate Maria Panagiotidis that resided over the abuse of power and process case against myself in September 2020. The case that should Never have been heard in court prior to police acting on the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement.

With the end of this out of control corruption - strategic narcissism arriving at the beginning of the year of 2021. Another abuse of power and process case in court. Another Not Guilty plea and request for trial by jury. By this stage I was at odds with my lack of interest in resolution if the Australian Police Force continued to abuse my life. Proposing to stab persons threatening my life and defend myself than live Reckless endangerment for a decade and continue to be a victim of sex crimes. Proofing this autobiography for the last time I sought external editing quotes from Tellwell, a Victorian and USA based publisher and watched Christian Porter and Peter Dutton on a power trip to pave what I saw as a clear way for Chinese dictatorship in Australia. An endlessly barrage of proposed legislation - draconian laws and legislation to bypass the independent justice system with avenues excluding court expertise to make impartial decisions overlooking court systems use in relation to issues surrounding persons freedoms like warrants. Australia in a fragile state just as National Integrity was rolling out. Myself in a fragile place battling PTSD, attending sexual assault and stress counselling while my biker associated, ex Chinese military landlord/house mate screamed out "Marcia, I just want to fuck you!" to everyone in the house.

A one way ticket to New York (USA), one of the biggest runways in the world in my wake and Legal Studies towards the most Human Rights orientated politician the world had ever seen. My life, becoming a dream in a nightmare after assisting the Australian Police Force. It was obvious to me as the ordeal concluded that the Informantcy of Nicola Gobbo was deliberately leaked by VICPOL and the Detectives Unit, Strategic Narcissism - trying to play out persons they could not control, seen as a problem regarding governance and sector misconduct as dogs to criminals in turn to have them targeted and or killed to avoid accountability. Police by definition is the first body whom citizens approach in case any crime or wrong is done against citizens/society. Police are supposed to be the one who registers the First Information Report and police officers are responsible for the maintenance of public order and peace. The Australian Police Force not only as irrefutably proven a National Security Risk, but a National shamble of schmucks with bloated egos invested in all the wrong objectives to protect society and even themselves. Blackmailing, taking bribes and breeding pedophiles while they groomed and used criminals and predators for years.

The Australian Police Force's role lost, defined as being to enforce Commonwealth criminal law, contribute to combating complex, transnational, serious and organised crime impacting Australia's national security and to protect Commonwealth interests from criminal activity in Australia and overseas. I could only hope the untenable corruption laid out and undeniable would improve our force in years to come as I planned my immediate future in the United States of America. Relentlessly silenced as Australia's Most Infamous Whistleblower and the most extensive Sexual Assault victim outside of sex slavery I tried very hard to support those voices that were being heard. Through frustrated at times with the commentary , light approaches to clearly dismissive decisions and media's focus.

After years of whistleblowing, the legal profession of Australia proved to be weak and reluctant to take on Any cases involving government corruption. It was an easy goal to set to be the best lawyer of the 21st Century taking on government's. I felt like I'd seen it all, every step of institutional warfare, the freemasons, the dominant American agenda. The endless striving for bottom lines more important than Justice, the Justice system or Humanity. Especially in the legal profession. I followed every whistleblower, befriending and following Australian Afgan whistleblower David McBride closely, a man being prosecuted for telling the truth with the abuse of National Security definition being used to hide and justify the killing of innocent people during Australia presence in the war stricken location Afghanistan. Unlike other whistleblowers being persecuted at this time, Julian Assange or Edward Snowden prominent names, David McBride had literally like myself committed No Crime. Just simply voiced the truth of war crimes committed in predominantly peace keeping efforts by the Australian Military. The man was a hero and the example of a perfect soldier - Human Being. How I saw James Comey of the FBI, a genuine Human of Morals and Ethics they lived by.

Having whistle blown the Australian government as a young Adult and endured years of set ups and illegal Privacy Act breaches the government dare not try and charge myself in the same manner. Merely spending years falsifying documents, records and charges to tarnish my integrity but Never allowing myself to speak in court on a level where I could defend myself. The reality and revelations of deep seeded corruption. Realities which flooded our news screens for most of the years of Scott Morrison's Liberal government.

As legal representation was scarce, I took most matters to court myself to be heard, I represented myself. Providing Legal Information Advocacy for years while I worked towards my Master in Laws degree. Numerous Defamation claims initiated with Cease and Desist letters legally drafted online with court applications made for money matters. Most letters ignored to start with showing no remorse or shame from the many persons involved in trying to ascend/elevate, benefit - some form of gain, from dehumanisation. Zanthii Communications PR the defamatory Public Relations representation of 2019 - making myself the quote “PR dream” endure a PR nightmare. To gain Full refund from InHouse Publishing Australia I sought court resolution regarding their breach of Consumer Law. Crazy to think so many people were irrefutably set on defamation for petty benefits and lower level monetary gains.

Following the case I represented myself and in turn won (just outcome prevailing) in September 2020 and the endless applications to Courts SA for legal cases and appeals I sought to prove Professional misconduct against Numerous lawyers. Mangan Ey and Associates, Stephen Ey, the first to be reported to the Legal Professions Conduct Commission for failing to comply with instructions when you were my solicitor. Intimidating or bullying behaviour on our second appointment regarding Kurt Slaven statement, failing protection against disclosure of information to an unauthorised person(s), negligence in duty to provide professional services to a client with reasonable care and skill. Craig Caldicott Lawyers the second legal firm reported for misconduct. Numerous other lawyers as Damian Ferrari stated to myself in 2018 facing licences revoked for Professional Misconduct. 5 to 7 years studying law generally required to practice, personally I would have protected my Integrity - my Professional Conduct like it was my child or dog.

By 2021 many police officers of SAPOL asked me if David Kyriacou was corrupt, yes I answered. Unsure but wary of the accusation he had used Stormy Summers prostitutes. It was in May 2021 to which this was put to the Ultimate test. In September of 2020 the DPP department where David Kyriacou worked had stated in the Magistrates court of Mount Gambier that Kurt Slaven child sex offence wasn't that important. Kurt Slaven actually guilty of sexual offences with numerous minors.

A lawyer from Victoria, firm SHINE Lawyers, in May 2021 briefly representing cases of Sexual Assault. Initially a nice lady, the representation quickly soured, her attitude turning into a rude and cynical representative which I dismissed after a few weeks of her collecting information yet failing to formally pursue SAPOL to charge Kurt Slaven. I was entering at the time offered studies in a Juris Doctor degree at this stage and for months had engaged in legal information avocation, reading and sharing legislation in relation to case's.

I highlighted David Kyriacou as having conversed with Kurt Slaven in 2015 to the lawyer. By this stage I had done much research into what was public about the treacherous, immoral pedophile protector. To make claims on LinkedIn of over 20 years in leadership, having only served in the force for a few years over 2 decades stated he elevated through the ranks rather quickly. In 2016 I witnessed his transfer to which Dale Fox of SAPOL stated he gained a promotion from covering up Paul Griffiths, Malcolm Hyde, Kurt Slaven - SAPOL members and his own conduct. Taking a bribe of silence to gain a position as Inspector within the force. To me the quickly gained leadership opportunity of David Kyriacou showed much bribe taking, integral compromise and silence as the blackmailer and the blackmailed. By 2021 I knew the nothing man freemason had served in the regional stations of South Australia both North and South since at least 2012. Whyalla having a prominent prostitution industry to which boasted over 50% clients were police and political figures, most engaging with children as low as 12 years of age these sex workers claimed. It became evident that where ever Constantinos - his actally first name, David Kyriacou of SAPOL had worked police had gotten away with underaged sexual crimes - pedophilia. Jay Weatherill by this stage, an ex state Premier and the Disability Minister who ignored sexual offending against non cognitive and mute Disabled persons had been said to be a pedophile. Something if David Kyriacou was investigating the sex industry which was also evident he clearly benefited from silence regarding instead of executing Integrity in his job. The Freemasons actions by 14th of May 2021 so alarming and disengaged I started to hate him as I had grown to hate Tim Young of VICPOL with every action that he did not take. Expressing to Tim Young of VICPOL that I had NO desire of dating a police officer, as expressed the job more than repulsed me by this stage. In the process of changing my name due to not wanting the family nor emotional ties to it. An ultimatum to tell the truth had been sent to my blackmailed, at this stage shadow of the Father I grew up with. I had the same ultimatum to David Kyriacou, tell the truth or I'll continue badgering and gathering evidence of decades worth of cover ups including serious criminal misconduct. Unlike anyone before me and as expressed, I could not be bought. Never sex deprived, never single until I chose to be reporting Kurt Slaven, and bound to morality not money there was nothing I wanted. Everything I wanted I wanted, I wanted back and was material - things I had to which the only way I would gain these things back was to keep fighting. So I did, destroying the lies of every psychotic police officer overlooking sex crimes, the cover up/Blackmailing campaign run to cover up police using prostitutes and the men who lied claiming they loved me. I called out all behaviors that got in the way of the truth. Whistleblower actually falling under whistleblower protection laws in South Australia, the years it took to change attitude in the force only proved every word of this complex Autobiography to be TRUTH. Disappointing and disgusting as the truth be told is. I could not enter politics with a man of such low integrity and character. Poor choices with no clear rectification would have left me open and vulnerable to much insinuation and mockery within the chamber during question time and beyond. A relationship with anyone seemingly having a higher cost than for me to engage at this stage. Legal studies and my sights on American Runway's in fashion before enjoying Couture Designing and a political career. The future I saw for the name now of: Marcia (first name) BNoose (last name).

On Tuesday the 18th of May 2021 I was told by a short lived Legal Representation from SHINE Lawyers that my Father was a coward. Lying about the date of the accident which led to myself being raped by Kurt Slaven in a bid for his criminal alliance with the Gypsy Jokers. After reading, agreeing and even placing initials on a Statutory declaration which was submitted in the Courtroom of September 2020 proceedings, my now very estranged Dad stated he could not really actually recall the year of the accident and that he had verified under oath a Statutory declaration he would not support in court. An admission to a crime, it is an offence to make a statutory declaration that you know to be untrue in a material particular. The maximum penalty for this offence is four years imprisonment - Oaths Act 1936 (SA) s 27(1). My Father clearly willing to be incarcerated for a gang over telling the truth for justice regarding his own daughter. This moment revealed the disgusting lengths my family went to hide their own crimes and criminal associations. All at the expense of their innocent, victim relative. I removed my Father's tattoo after this which I asked him to create after he nearly died from a vicious attack by Gypsy Jokers association young men. The $10,000 my Father was paid by the President of the Gypsy Jokers, Phildo, in 2012 to false identify the boys in his own case showed money and association was clearly more important to him than his own daughter's life.

The endless cover ups are an example of the depths of truth yet to be unveiled in the most corrupt climate of Australia’s Governance History. I had No respect for the police force after they watched myself raped for years with little to no action. Nor governance which lacked so much integrity it was eroding the Nations global standings - called out by the United Nations for numerous Human Rights failures, Australia's sovereignty during the early 2000’s being heavily sold to China - owning much of the continent's land and both governments inability to lead with judicial accountability.

Our Australian future losing to a two party government parade - charade, I formalised my future in politics registering the Australian Freedom Party. Personally I had joined as an Australian member of the British Freedom Party over these years of writing, originally wanting to move from Australia to the United Kingdom. An avid follower of the fearless Jayda Fransen, British Activist. I was personally determined to restore Integrity, Justice and Peace to the great Nation Australia the newly formed Australian Freedom Party well received by the public who seemed ready for the winds of change. Freedom Parties having global standings my political bipartisanship evidently shone through in this moment. Whistleblowing for the people, dedicated to just justice and truth my Master of Laws studies coupled with the business foundations of a Masters in Business Administration equip the party with a leadership which could be invested in. A leader the Australian people could foresee, academically and Human Rights orientated.

As for Freemasonry, many of the Freemasons of Australia proved to just be a disgraceful boys club riding the extortion of the Duke of Edinburgh III (may he Rest In Peace) and many other elite men’s infidelity over the 20th and 21st Century.

Predominantly a greedless belief, Freemasonry instills in its brothers and sisters a set of core principles that guide them through life and allow them to be ethical, moral, and just. Masons are expected to be thoughtful of others, particularly those in need, be kind and charitable to members of their family and the broader community, and courteous and fair in all matters.

Anyone can be a Freemason, yet only the rare few stay true to the ideals of a peculiar system of morality with the ability to make good men better. Last Judgement - "issue of this judgment shall be a permanent separation of the evil and the good, the righteous and the wicked" - The Sheep and the Goats or "the Judgment of the Nations".

It was walking to teach swimming as the words resonated with my soul, just as I made my way past the Englbrecht Sinkhole, a local diving hole in Mount Gambier, it was 2018.

It’s a charming, inspiring short story where a hummingbird explains why we have to at least try. What if we were all hummingbirds?

The Story of the Hummingbird

One day a terrible fire broke out in a forest - a huge woodlands was suddenly engulfed by a raging wildfire. Frightened, all the animals fled their homes and ran out of the forest. As they came to the edge of a stream they stopped to watch the fire and they were feeling very discouraged and powerless. They were all bemoaning the destruction of their homes. Every one of them thought there was nothing they could do about the fire, except for one little hummingbird.

This particular hummingbird decided it would do something. It swooped into the stream and picked up a few drops of water and went into the forest and put them on the fire. Then it went back to the stream and did it again, and it kept going back, again and again and again. All the other animals watched in disbelief; some tried to discourage the hummingbird with comments like, "Don't bother, it is too much, you are too little, your wings will burn, your beak is too tiny, it’s only a drop, you can't put out this fire."

And as the animals stood around disparaging the little bird’s efforts, the bird noticed how hopeless and forlorn they looked. Then one of the animals shouted out and challenged the hummingbird in a mocking voice, "What do you think you are doing?" And the hummingbird, without wasting time or losing a beat, looked back and said, "I am doing what I can."

- Dr.Wangari Maathai, Kenyan environmentalist and 2004 Nobel Prize.

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