Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement.
HISTORICAL and Royal Commission into SAPOL making Biography UGLY HEROS - The price of Unlawful Enforcement.
Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.
‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’
The Story of Sicko protectors from the Geelong Police Station Victoria is extensive and outstandingly disgusting. Irrefutable in their delays in investigations and protection of Sex Offender Luke Ryan. These officer's are a disgrace to the badge and an example of what NOT to be in policing.
Ambiguous MANUSCRIPT of UGLY HEROS The Price of Unlawful Enforcement (Pre 2024 technical proofing)
"Myself found NOT GUILTY on September 4th 2020 by December 4th 2020 was a verdict that had proved to be a perversion of the course of justice by the DDP in regards to charging Kurt Slaven and resolving the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement even though it was the right outcome. A trial that fell far short of minimum standards of fairness I made application at this time for a Supreme Court appeal for resolution. Contesting part of the outcome based on grounds of my plea of NOT GUILTY going unrecorded in the defamatory sharing evidence case, myself being charged under the police disciplinary act to which I was found Not Guilty. An Act to which over 6 years countless police had actually committed offences.
Sunday the 29th of November 2020, just prior to supreme court appeal I had found out that the malicious accusations with no basis or facts had led to my belongings being stolen at the least by the landlord who had unlawfully acted during the global coronavirus pandemic to displace, disrupt and ultimately Recklessly endanger my life I could not control the emotional distress. The events of the 6 years following cooperation with police leaving myself with complex Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Complex PTSD describes a more severe and long-term condition that can occur after prolonged and repeated trauma. In silence my body shook from adrenaline as I tried to calm my mind. Nothing mattered in this moment, not my life or life itself, not the Disability Royal Commission I was speaking in and led to myself targeted as a whistleblower. NOTHING mattered without my dog Rossi to rationalize reality. I hated life, not my life but every life around me. I despised every liar, every criminal, every corrupt cop and every try hard friend I knew, knowing I could happily watch them suffer as they watched me suffer. A monster inside, devoured by the experience. I cried, not normal crying but a dry forced weep like a killer that had just taken the life of their lover. In this moment I felt NOTHING. NOTHING but thoughts of revenge, thoughts of annihilation, I shared the truth because it matters and planned out my next week like it could be the end of something, someone - this suffering. Neuroscientist who study rage say we're all capable of doing something terrible. I was at boiling point and booked myself into stress counselling.
Suzie Francis of VICPOL on the 3rd of December 2020 working with David W Young (D/Sgt 23474) also of VICPOL at the Geelong Police Station exacerbating my emotional distress furthers trying to mock my mental stability, not caring that I was the voice of many other victims including non cognitive, mute Disabled Persons - On international day of Persons with Disabilities of all days. These 2 VICPOL officers feigning responsibility for taking over 6 months to interview and failing to charge a sex offender with child abuse offences in South Australia also the most pathetic officers I dealt with. After being subject to much dehumanizing conduct at the hands of the police force, my family and rape protecting governance for these two VICPOL police officers to take the cake was quite a poor achievement, no medals for protecting sex offenders though - Thank God."

Media Release 2023 - INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 'A World Untold'.
"All the offenders I reported over the period of 2017 - 2019 mentioned Darryl Peter Wright (SAPOL, African Army - International, AF) during conversations. Sex offenders Craig Spence (Born 14DEC, Australian Defence – Army, Olympian, Manpower, Big Brother contestant), Damian H Ferrari (Born 1966, Beaufort, Victoria AUS - VICPOL) and Luke Ryan (Mount Gambier Sth AUS District, known Catholic Family) spoke of Darryl Peter Wright (SAPOL, African Army - International, AF). Damian H Ferrari (Born 1966, Beaufort, Victoria AUS - VICPOL) regarding wage comparisons, age comparisons, Luke Ryan (Mount Gambier Sth AUS District, known Catholic Family) relationship status details and Craig Spence (Born 14DEC, Australian Defence – Army, Olympian, Manpower, Big Brother contestant) investigative details regarding the South African SAPOL/ICAC employee, friends with my Hobbs family of SAPOL, were divulged. All offenders against myself were also aware SAPOL and STARForce had used and abused my life for years in investigations and operations. All the offenders after 2014 to 2019 were servicemen - police and army or trusted by the police force (human resources). Sex offences committed almost every year from 2015 until 2023, with police running investigations and protection orders surrounding myself at the same time as these sex offences occurred – irrefutably using me as rape bait. Over a decade total of criminal reports and complaints made by myself against sex offenders, all unaddressed, with no charges laid. The police force of Australia allowing myself to be raped by police human resources, associates, employees, and offenders – law enforcement watching and listening to these sex crimes occurring for years. Never once stopping the offences from being committed, never charging, or addressing these predatory men until the truth was too big to ignore. A Royal Commission into SAPOL vital and needing to commence asap. I collated much maladministration, physical evidence and recorded evidence against the police force and governing bodies throughout Australia."
"SAPOL criminal negligence directly resulted in Luke Ryan (Mount Gambier Sth AUS District, known Catholic Family) threat against my persons playing out as an act of sexual assault being a crime committed in Victoria. Quoting Luke Ryan (Mount Gambier Sth AUS District, known Catholic Family) saying he raped me for the SAPOL police gang "Taking one for the team" his words in this discussion about SAPOL and Former Hells Angels bikie Graham Daniel Young (Born 15MAR1975). Numerous rapes committed against myself are Guaranteed to not have occurred if my property was not illegally acquisitioned - TIMELY FACT."
"Serving in the Mount Gambier District Courts Magistrate Maria Panagiotidis (Sth AUS courts, appointed to the bench in 2003) twice falsely claiming I entered No Plea in court records is maladministration at the least, perjury at its upmost definition. My plea of NOT GUILTY was entered and I was found Not Guilty. Very questionable actions and much abuse of power seemingly by Magistrate Maria Panagiotidis (Sth AUS courts, appointed to the bench in 2003).
By 2021 police ignorance towards sex offender reports I made, sex crimes against myself, etc is on record with both law enforcement departments and judicial bodies. Evidence in the forms of recorded phone calls via government departments, administrative records - emails which resulted in some blocking my pursuit of resolution via email, claims I was a serial complainant via the DPP (public and prosecution) and ICAC at times, the blatant disregard of my welfare, constitutional right, Human Rights, and the Victims’ Rights violations all reflect the gaslighting activities, cover up agenda, severe criminal negligence, and irrefutable torts. Many accountable officers displaying a blatant ignorance towards rectifying their disgraceful cover ups.
International intelligence, judicial disrepute and tyrannical applications of law creating the basis of criminal negligence and cover up turmoil. Proof of the destruction this cover up has caused not only stems to our close ally the USA as touched on, but also heavily regarding New Zealand after deportations from the Australian Federal Police overseen Gordon Tearonui Hamm investigation reporting a staggering 9000 offences in total linked to persons deported from Australia back to their home country. A trade off to cover up the police forces heavy involvement with the sex industry leaving the small nation with a distinct increase in crimes bred by Australia.
2000 of the 9000 accounts of crimes committed by deportation were of a deceptive, theft nature. Replicating crimes that had these persons deported in the first place, the offences also included assaults and child sex crimes. The state of corruption within the Australian Police Force not only allowed New Zealander Gordon Tearonui Hamm to be murdered, but the insidious misconduct, malpractice and criminal activity by Australian police having detrimental outcomes overseas. Child sex crimes have often been a trade off when police were confronted with their own sex crimes, especially regarding their involvement with the sex industry. Called out for years by me, Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) who was involved initially in the investigation of the murder of Gordon Tearonui Hamm proved that heavily involved with misconduct he could not charge child abuse and sex crimes like Luke Ryan (Mount Gambier Sth AUS District, known Catholic Family) or retired Kurt Slaven. If Kurt Slaven (SAPOL, Australian Defence Force - Navy) had spoken to about his irrefutable sex offending in a timely manner it would have avoided numerous civilians facing National Integrity summons under introduced laws compelling persons and evidence with no right to silence. A devastating outcome to develop out of malicious accusations with no basis or facts which Dave Kyriacou (SAPOL ID 40657) could have and should have corrected, not only as a police officer but as a Freemason.
As my case mounted against the unconstitutional and not fit for purpose Association Laws the Police Force in pathetic glory used and abused this law to no end trying to silence the truth UGLY HEROS The Price of Unlawful Enforcement being told. The fact that a Victim - an innocent and un-associated person was getting more focus than known patched bikers not only proves the laws were written to target persons reporting police misconduct but that the use of these laws for their entire legislative period had been applied for political gain. Utilised in ways that illegally militarized policing. Actions that can be likened to quote: 'Russian New Generation Warfare (RNGW) combined Disinformation, denial and disruptive technologies for psychological as well as physical effect.' Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World, Book by H. R. McMaster. Herbert McMasters writing Legendary literature."