A BOOK PUBLICATION the title documenting The Road To Resolution in the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement with A Real-time Authored Conclusion. Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement. HISTORICAL and Royal Commission into SAPOL making Biography UGLY HEROS - The price of Unlawful Enforcement. Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA. ‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’
Ambiguous MANUSCRIPT (Pre 2024 technical proofing)
‘The Labyrinth’
"As touched on part of the defamation campaign and discrediting had been to accuse me of some of the most absurd things. Some of this from my Uncle’s poor judgement for whatever reasons. Some of this my cousins poor judgement who was a serving STARForce member during the period of Gordon Hamms murder case.
My Uncle is a dignified man, ex Army, part of that first STARForce - The Original team in South Australia, ex Fireman, millionaire and pain in my butt.
We clash - he’s bright and I’m bright, He thinks independently and I think independently, He stands for justice as do I - the difference is Greg believes in dehumanisation when a person is bad or otherwise. Probably stemming from Army Training. I believe in rehabilitation and that each individual should be considered individually when a person is bad or otherwise. Our justice system provides a perfect blanket for justice. There is no need for options where dehumanisation is used as a justification to do unjust things just because one is bad. Two wrongs rarely make a right.
Studying my MBA at the Australian Institute Of Business, my first assignment submission for leadership was written based on the leadership failures of the Gordon Hamm investigation.
The problem I have witnessed with dehumanisation within policing is that it deteriorates the standard of our officers. A small bad deed playing on a good persons mind day in day out justified by the words ‘that person deserves it because they are bad or a drug addict’ deteriorates the human engagement of the job. This turns what were good men and women for most part who want to be hero’s when they go into policing, into persons subconsciously harbouring more bad engagements than good. In a role where you're the response to crime, your bad engagements on the job outweigh the good before you start. With a culture that encourages dehumanisation over time you see behaviour and accepted behaviours as common standards more reflecting the illegal criminal behaviour than the better standard to which a police member should uphold. A police officer should not punish a member of the public personally or otherwise for a crime, the justice system should. The officer takes them in, the legal system decides their outcome. If then our laws say they are a bad person then they are given consequences and/or go to jail. When an officer engages their ego in power and feels that they have more worth than the people they serve, which includes persons considered bad who may need their assistance, our justice system and in turn society suffers.
Years ago but relevant family recollection, after Kurt Slaven, the rabbits were killed, I was nearly homeless at the abrupt purchase and cancellation of my lease at Wehl Street North, Mount Gambier. The house was purchased by the neighbours son in 2006. During the period 2020 of myself being targeted by the beastiality kings associates, the owner/occupier invited me to his home and stated he knew Graham Young.
Fortunately, at this time of the abrupt purchase and cancellation in 2006 I was able to purchase myself my own property. The one bedroom home to which was Barbwire Noose capital since 2013, 69 Penola Road, Mount Gambier South Australia. I remember Nanna and my step-poppa Bob visiting the property in 2006. My Nanna who believed the malicious accusations with no facts or basis which I was unaware of in 2006 only voiced disappointment in my purchase. Clearly I didn't understand her attitude at the time, but did authoring this autobiography.
Another slightly odd family moment was when my Uncle invited the Police Commissioner to Christmas. Police Commissioner Malcom Hyde attending our family Boxing Day of 2008 celebration. Uncle Greg paid for accommodation for us (my family - Mum, Dad, Brother and Partners) in both the year of 2008, 2009 I believe. Greg is my Dad’s older brother and I love him but I don’t agree that a man that’s never lived in the Real world should be judging people, certainly not me.
A prostitute or stripper apparently unsure - Detective Darryl Peter Wright had been questioning my friends regarding these accusations. I had NO idea this was going on. Not really sure how there could be this confusion since the ANZ card was given to myself by my Mother for my safe keeping from apparently my Father in April 2011. The ANZ account acquired my company details to this card without my knowledge around 2014/2015 and I was a policeman in my medical records by this stage too. Magic Confusion and Totally Impossible!?
It’s evident STARForce had engaged in an operation prior to the 2012 incident and this investigation resulted in injuries and possibly lives lost, not just Gordon’s.
My poor friends, being asked about me in such circumstances. I personally could not work out where this investigation had stemmed from - Did I visit the adult shop one too many times!? I’ve never done Anything illegal like that. The revenge porn charge belongs to Luke Hubert Scheidl, certainly didn’t do that to myself. I was at a loss to figure out this saga but this police investigation was severely affecting my life. I knew a few things for sure, a fair few people in town knew of this false investigation into me including Luke Hubert Scheidl, David Bradley, Sean Hobbs and Darryl Peter Wright and my family.
The police the year of 2018 ran a new defamation investigation trying to say I stalked 3, reported offending officers - myself found Not Guilty. Damian Ferrari told me SAPOL were trying to make me look like I don't like the police, like I had a vendetta so later they could paint the picture I made it all up in hate. The stalking charges could not be determined as they were made up - thrown out of court by the judge showing no bias to police in this ruling. Nevertheless they have rumoured and investigated the made up undetermined charge for months now affecting my public and social life including employment. Good use of Tax dollars.
This is their second defamation campaign, in the 4 years since I reported Paul Griffiths, Kurt Slaven and Matthew Jennings. Reports made since I assisted in the investigation of the murder of Gordon Hamm. Malicious accusations with no facts or basis spanning years to silence me. Despite two of the reports made being of a serious nature and a criminal report against a rapist police officer.
This constant witch hunt in entirety affected my family, work life, relationships and friendships - And for many years.
Believe it or not Adam Brown, a SAPOL Officer/Detective tried to express concern for Kurt Slavens feelings. Myself his victim, I was pissed off by this attitude. Dude - I thought, ‘he’s raped me, changed details in the computer to cover it up’ This activity does NOT make me sympathetic about publicly exposing the Truth. There had been blue Subaru vehicles parked up from my premises and left there in 2017 and following myself for years, psychologically warfare. I had been harrassed and Adam Brown of SAPOL expected me to care about the pedophile that committed an offence against myself’s feelings, after being accused of anything and everything under the sun. Fuck NO. And I was also expected to be quiet about the unresolved ongoings. I don’t think so I thought to myself. “You guys made me report him, if you didn’t want to charge him you shouldn’t have dredged me through the experience to make a statement.” Commentary I made to SAPOL numerous times during the years leading up to charging Kurt Slaven.
After writing to the South Australian Police Commissioner Grant Stevens, Adam Brown was the SAPOL member sent from Ethics and Standards to investigate, he was more intent on putting a charge on me than investigating Kurt Slaven and numerous police offences, including police officers stalking and harassing myself. I spoke open and candidly to the officers the Police Commissioner Grant Stevens sent from Adelaide. Adam Brown accompanied by an ignorant and dismissive female officer, Michelle Alexander. A SAPOL member fainting concern with a height complex that she must have felt I would share. I don’t, I’m quite happy with my size Lady I thought.
Michelle Alexander of SAPOL, initially encouraged me to report Mathew Jennings of SAPOL for his engagements with drunk minors to Mandatory reporting. I stressed I don’t believe this is the appropriate legal avenue and that this was not my formalised complaint, also stressing that it was a 3rd parties concern. Encouraged further I engaged in the behaviour encouraged by the officer and reported the officer to ‘CARL’, the mandatory reporting authority.
This visit to myself was video recorded by Michelle Alexander of SAPOL, who stood next to my Clothing Label manufacturing machines facing me. Michelle Alexander visited myself again with a female officer after this visit with Adam Brown. The officers at this time did not disclose whether this was a recorded interview. Michelle Alexander, a very unethical officer who was victim blaming I believe illegally recorded this visit also with a camera in the handbag of the second female officer who held the handbag on her lap. As standard and ethics division, it was beyond comprehension and to try to explain how I felt when she tried to tell me Kurt Slaven was not my rapist - impossible blaming another SAPOL member. Angry, sad, helpless, alone, I felt like dying knowing that was NOT an option. Michelle Alexander proceeded to blurt out in the lounge room that it was concluded by SAPOL officer Katie Dalton who took my statement and falsely mocked up the date of 2002. An officer straying so far from the truth that she told my lawyer I apparently had a relationship with Kurt Slaven. I was shocked hearing the accusation that the identity was another officer of SAPOL. I also sort a new representation within the legal firm Go-To-Lawyer. I could not deal with being told I had a relationship with my rapist. I broke down, I’ve vomited from stress numerous times this escalated to a severe stress rash in 2019. Rashes which lasted a week over during these years obtaining justice - reliving the sex offence Kurt Slaven commited over and over again. Also reliving while writing and reproofing police constructed misconception over and over again in this autobiography. Michelle Alexander of SAPOL tried to say to me that sharing my story was power, and they tried to say I wasn’t allowed to share the Truth. I understand them not wanting me telling the public that Kurt Slaven was a sex offender and what they as a police department were accountable for but the Power thing - I didn’t understand that and Never Will. Power, I had ripped my soul out reporting Kurt Slaven and this disgracefully corrupt police force were dancing on the Truth, joyfully and desperately trying to cover it up before I wrote this autobiography. An Autobiography they could Not ignore. Though they tried, calling my voice insignificant and ignored though their informant minions - criminals and drug addicts mocking the truth and benefiting through the police force doing this. Adam Brown of SAPOL harped that I was influencing people, like speaking up against corrupt police conduct - misconduct was a bad thing. Meanwhile it was Adam Brown’s job to investigate and reprimand misconduct within SAPOL as it was put!? Go Figure. Explains why there’s no dismissals for misconduct or charging of Kurt Slaven for years. A National police force incompetent and bias with many police that have the same standard as criminals.
I sent emails for years, contacting the media countless times - numerous emails, posters, letters and letter box drops.
The truth has power yes Lady, not me. The Truth.
I knew Kurt Slaven was the offender, yet listening to Michelle Alexander compliment Katie Dalton as her friend and colleague on her corrupt work and outcome, was an unimaginable outcome. One I did not accept. Andrew Cherry of SAPOL the falsely accused police officer regarding the offence against myself not charged despite Katie Dalton’s apparent findings. Katie Dalton made SO many mistakes in this rape investigation - Mega mistakes was rewarded by Commissioner Grant Stevens for the cover up by promoting Katie Dalton to investigate all rapes categories within SAPOL. Not internal affairs cases. Any victim to see her name on their statement should have been requesting someone else investigate.
Damian Ferrari when I told him of all this occurring was admittedly at the time extremely concerned about the police conduct and the investigation leading to falsely accusing someone else. He also expressing concern for consequences regarding a person not wanting to be blamed for a rape they didn’t commit. I was also very concerned about this when he mentioned it. I then had been overwhelmed with Emotion that they were trying to cover up for Kurt Slaven not even thinking of further consequences to this corruption.
Late 2014 (possibly early 2015) I was followed by a man into a shop in Mount Gambier. He followed me around, this being after Gordon Hamm was murdered, I was Extremely concerned. He kept smiling at me and bending over to products close to myself. Close to my pelvis. I walked off numerous times and then was looking at some garden products. The man rides around Mount Gambier on a push bike, I’ve seen him since this incident most recently this year. He bent down again, took a loud sniff and asked to eat my pussy. This clearly stemming from the bigger picture I was unaware of - the prositution rumours. I was terrified, he offered money for this - shocked I left the shop directly and called Luke Hubert Scheidl, he wasn’t surprised at this comment and stated to me why do you think he would be doing that. Clearly having no idea, I thought Luke’s commentary was odd but was still not aware of the stripper, etc accusations.
I was aware that David Bradley had stolen my dirty lingerie in January 2014. Apparently this was sold in the Gypsy Jokers club house which was shutdown after the Gordon Hamm homicide investigation commenced. Gross. I don’t believe STARForce weren’t aware of this, but they should have been.
I was not aware of much of the malicious activity surrounding myself until I received and endured much commentary via social media and commentary from my parents. Only through my own intelligence and being exposed to the malicious accusations with no facts or basis that I was sure of what the police were trying to say about me. These rumours began in 2012 and only brought to my attention at the end of 2016. After David Kyriacou of SAPOL made up I was a drug addict to discredit my statement against Kurt Slaven. At this stage I was heavily gaslighted, my Uncle and person surrounding myself trying to convince myself that the rapes and ongoings were my fault during an illegal house acquisition - my family part of a plight with the police which left me homeless over a Completely untrue, unsubstantiated prostitution claim."
