A page dedicated to Author On Tour dates can be found under the site menu. Author on Tour was originally scheduled for January 2021, the publication of UGLY HEROS was ambiguous at this stage.
Human Rights Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement. Documentation of the Australian governance and Australian police forces desperation to cover up sex crimes. Autobiography set for print in 2019, 2021, 2023; the book was ban from self-publication in the state of Queensland in Australia (2021) - a state lead by Labor Government which was predominate in covering up sex crimes (including against disabled and children) into 2024.
In 2023 UGLY HEROS was finalised to be published Internationally. The book setting foundations and rhetoric towards another Underbelly Series - Underbelly , an Australian television true crime-drama series which first aired on the Nine Network on 13 February 2008.
This True Crime Autobiography written in an ambiguous form originally boasts submission by the SA State Labor Government Senator Marielle Smith towards achievement of a Royal Commission into SAPOL in 2019. Reproofed in more detail (still ambiguous) during 2020/2021 the publication outlines the unconstitutional actions taken in South Australia under the controversial 'Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008'.
In May 2008, South Australia passed what Premier Mike Rann proclaimed as 'the world's toughest anti-bikie laws' (Rann 2008: np), with the introduction of the Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act 2008, which came into effect on 4 September 2008. The Premier cited the following as highlights of the Act:
gang members who engage in acts of violence that threaten and intimidate the public will be guilty of serious offences and will find it harder to get bail;
police will be able to prohibit members of a bikie gang from attending a place, event or area where this would pose a serious threat to the public;
the old law of consorting will be replaced with a new law of criminal association that prohibits telephone calls as well as meetings in the flesh;
stalking a person with the intention of intimidating a victim, witness, court official, police officer or public servant will become a serious offence;
it will be easier for police to secure orders to dismantle fortifications protecting gang clubrooms; and
in addition, the legislation created new offences of violent disorder (maximum penalty of 2 years jail); riot (7 years, 10 years where aggravated); affray (3 years, 5 years where aggravated) and stalking of public officials by OMCG members (7 years; Rann 2008).
By 2023, it should be noted that there are NO secrets in this book, just facts everyone knows and nobody states So boldly. The publication of UGLY HEROS The Price of Unlawful Enforcement in 2024 reproofed removing ambiguity as a submission to the National Integrity Commission in 2024, as well as the introduction chapter being submitted to the Sth AUS attorney-general in May 2024 ready for the Royal Commission into Domestic, family and sexual violence in South Australia commencing June 1st 2024.
Registered with National Library, this public disclosure is a History making Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price of Unlawful Enforcement and can be purchased (pre and post) via barbwirenoose.com
The publication contains many support documentation and photos as inclusions to the True Crime Autobiography. Life in the shadows of SAPOL's elite STARForce.
All rights to Marcia Anita Hobbs - the Author, with the publisher owning NO copyrights to this autobiography - the publisher credited for general editing and proof reading of this publication.
Each publication purchased donates a portion of its proceeds to charity - as with ALL Barbwire Noose purchases.
Youth Off The Streets received the 1st donation from the sale of UGLY HEROS, May 2020, under the 'A Better World' initiative donations - Marcia Anita Hobbs, Founder of Brand Barbwire Noose.

Release of the publication was set for September 14th 2019, the continuance of Government level corrupt seeing 'The Road To Resolution' ready for release in 2020. Delayed further by perjury and the application of unconstitutional laws for political gains. This Royal Commission into SAPOL making Autobiography reflecting Kurt Slaven's irrefutable guilt. And a hideous cover up plot with SAPOL. Guilt obtained with much evidence, admissions to fellow officers of sexual engagement, falsified documentation, malpractice and corrupt activities surrounding the investigation. Revelations determined December 2019. Ugly Heros reproof further unraveling the Rights violations, corrupt actions of the Anti Corruption commission and the determination of a need for a Royal Commission into SAPOL.
Launched Originally March 19th 2020 for Pre-Purchase.
NEVER being part of a gang, unlike SAPOL David Modra (SAPOL retired 2015, 41yr Sgt Detective) writing books to favour illegal policing agendas. I was NOT associated with Any gangs or gang behaviour, yet through the police force I was exploited for years through the law of association for political gain in a sex crimes cover up. Learning on the 'Road to Resolution' - the Conclusion chapter of UGLY HEROS, that the Australian police force had been monitoring myself, who was a rape victim of a police officer as a sixteen-year-old teenager - a minor was beyond words emotional distress. I endured years of gangs and police gang associated sexual crimes being used as quote “rape bait” by the Australian Police Force on record. Sex crimes committed under police investigations and with the government's knowledge. Many happy to indulge (police, family, citizens known and unknown to myself, non-citizens, and felons alike) in an attempt to have me seek the refuge of suicide in numerous forms, most commonly by refusing to take statements against sex offenders, refusing housing and other forms of destitution and financial disruption attempts, gaslighting, etc. Even an old lady with a fraudulent charity that on its trajectory could never achieve its goal jumped onto the disruption and defamation campaign. The AFP and state police in 2023 in desperation engaged heavily in disruption tactics to my studies, business operations and mail (AUSPOST) which resulted in myself thinking a business award I had nominated for, which was a new initiative award, was a fraud. Nominating for the Pheonix award with a new to the scene of business awards, only two years running - the Australian Ladies in Business Initiative (ALIBI). The cost of entry was sixty dollars with tickets to the event a few hundred to attend. At those prices your either legitimate or legitimately trying to make quick cash. Myself often nominated for awards acknowledging my business on both achievement and community basis’. I followed up the promised nomination package ensuring this newly developing award was not taking advantage of entrants, especially my vulnerable self. The coffee out of date in this package acknowledging business achievements as well as a broken piece of paraphernalia (ALIBI torch – not working) I still question the long-term commitment being made by this award, though it was a police officer disrupted delivery of the nomination package. The illegalities and petty actions I write of engaged by the Australian police force are nothing short of a horror movie. The delivery address of this package, Adelaide Sth AUS where I resided, PO Box 269 Kensington Park, Marryatville, 5068. The disruptions to my business deliveries were obvious as these actions had been engaged by SAPOL STARForce for nearly two decades. My life on most days during this cover up dragged through the horror story of this irrefutable desperation of all involved to permeate lies (perjury).
A BOOK documenting The Road To Resolution of the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement with A Real-time Authored Conclusion.
Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.
‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’
Media Release Download - INTRODUCTION
'A World Untold'
"After these events occurred in succession to me as a teenager, then to be made almost homeless just before I was due to study in Adelaide at University by my parents, I ended up telling my parents I hated them at the end of the year 2001 and that "I don't need you". After they dismiss me from my employment with Hungry Jack’s (Burger King) Corporation fast-food restaurant and left myself without accommodation for not doing as I was told in my employment - an illegal reprisal – no written warnings, I was dismissed over the phone.
The statement I made to my dad driving around the Jubilee Highway – Penola Road round-a-bout regarding not needed my parents has constantly been proved to be true since I said it. I have survived the hardest times of my life without my troubled, estranged family – I didn’t need them. No one needs parents that use their children as a cushion for their crimes. Their contribution to my suffering is unforgivable. It was only decades later, after my parents had basically destroyed my life based on lies and their bad decisions, I decided some things shouldn’t be forgiven. Credit where credit is due is given to my family life and up bringing. I had a very happy childhood, full of family holidays to the snow and the Grampians, love filled Christmas’s, etc - much time spent with both my parents. This does not make better the facts that to save myself from the mess SAPOL and my family made of my life that I felt I had to move to the other side of the world to stop SAPOL criminal negligence and Australian sexual predators. Which I tried numerous times after SAPOL announced their cover up in 2020. By 2023, I was happy to be anywhere but Australia - Epstein Island 02, holding a Consulate Green card to go to the United States with my brand I had planned to follow up an application I made with the FBI. A decision which after seeing the FBI involvement in policing in Australia I was reconsidering as an option. I refuse to use my mind to contribute to anything I don’t believe in and I was losing belief that the FBI were the good guys fast by the end of 2023.
My parents Wrong with whatever they were thinking in 2001, I assume they wrote their seventeen-year-old daughter off as a prostitute after these years since 2013 of the truth leaching out of the cracks in SAPOL’s cover up. My parents to vindictive and full of pride to tell the truth of their deception to my face. I have forgiven myself for trusting adults and my parents, as you do in a child - parent relationship, repeatedly. During my thirties my parents repeated their consistent callous behaviour to their own detriment. On record for all to know and see, my family’s involvement in seeding life-threatening defamation is irrefutable and played out in front of, and with, police forces particularly SAPOL, VICPOL and the AFP witnessing their disregard for my life."