Make NO MISTAKE Here: The Australian Federal Police constantly using confidentiality as an excuse to suppress sex offenders is a Serious Concern. I feel that confidentiality has also been inappropriately used in regards to whistleblower David McBride. It is FACT that persons facing court hearings in Any allegation, without conviction, have their names online and in newspapers. In other words details are released to the public WITHOUT investigation compromise. You - the Public have a Right to know the truth, especially with public office/tax payer funded ongoings. In the historical case which unfortunately led to the victim taking her life, it is without a doubt that after police floundered to lay charges in due course which would have caused much emotional distress to the victim, there is an obligation for the name of the cabinet member to be released. It is SO importantly imperative - duty of care and an obligation to ensure transparency and integrity within government departments. Politician's and the public can do this either through appropriate legislation or calling upon Integrity Commission's to intervene when avenues are being used to which flounder public responsibility. The AFP in my experiences notorious is protecting sex offenders and failing to act, myself reporting Kurt Slaven sexual crimes against myself under a Federally overseen investigation is a Serious Issue where the police sole responsibility is to protect the public from crime.
A BOOK PUBLICATION the title documenting The Road To Resolution in the POLICE VS Kurt Slaven statement with A Real-time Authored Conclusion.
Autobiography UGLY HEROS - The Price Of Unlawful Enforcement.
HISTORICAL and Royal Commission into SAPOL making Biography UGLY HEROS - The price of Unlawful Enforcement.
Gripping accounts of a Regional Underworld. Life in the Shadows of the Elite STARForce team of South Australia Police. Autobiography of Marcia Anita Hobbs, Human Rights Activist, AUSTRALIA.
‘Fear Is The Root Of All Weakness®️’
CONCLUSION EXTRACT (Pre 2024 technical proofing for Royal Commission and International publication)
'The Road To Resolution'
"On Thursday February 4th of 2021 after Reckless Endangerment time spent in the Northern Territory, it could be concluded that National police intelligence regarding the ICE Industry was compromised. The friendship of 18 years which was jaded regarding facts that I would NEVER have a relationship with my troubled friend proved the police force and aligned Freemasonry combined the use of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and many other illegal means to negotiate Intel from unstable persons was widespread manipulation of the justice system. Fonzerelli Shields of NTPOL with a Domestic Violence history was an ex undercover officer not shy to admit these brides took place for better or worse. The activity directly aligned with the SAPOL police force giving felons ICE in 2016 in order to bribe them to provide Intel not caring about truth or just outcomes let alone the mass illegality of this action. A practice undoubtedly not only irrefutably wrong but systematic and National conduct which had stemmed for decades doctoring false evidence so widely spread our police force had compromised International Intelligence. The activity of dealing drug's illegally and unethically to create false intelligence and informants was practised under appointed to Australian Federal Police Commissioner in 2019 Reece Kershaw prior to his AFP appointment. As of October 2019 the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police being Reece Kershaw, formerly the Northern Territory Police, had not only indulged malicious accusations with no basis or facts made under Federal overseen investigation into the murder of Gordon Hamm but played these accusations out to international intelligence. Myself in communication with the New York department of the FBI due to revenge porn produced by Luke Scheidl and Sean Irvine being circulated in America. American legislation acting on such criminal activity. The extent of the police cover ups So large in scale, the constant delay of the National Integrity Commission being enacted by the Liberal Government compromised not only International Intelligence but compromising National Security was not just a statement but proven fact. Irrefutably extensive evidence of institutional crimes. The federal police spent over 6 months breaching privacy, abusing power in government organisations and irrefutably trying to assist SAPOL, VICPOL and NSW to cover up police and governance using children as low as 12 years old as prostitutes. Evidence of this also exposed in numerous level of ignorance towards political offences exposed in the media at this time. Men and women officer's involved in the extensive and exhausting facts of the cover. Person's heavily recorded within system in their institutional harrassment.
The NSW police force showing levels of corruption surrounding my life since 2012 under Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione. A police force heavily involved with covering up sex crimes and a drive to run the sex industry in their state, it was irrefutable that the NSW police force used Commachero associates to terrorise members of the community. Sydney established, the gang and police officers offending showed clear coercion and gaslighting tactics which allowed and encouraged rape. A low standard of operations and recruiting within the Commachero/Bandidos motorcycle clubs which can be liked to the foundations of white supremacy gang the Gypsy Jokers. Police Commissioner Dave Hudson who's over a decade in the role was exposed in 2021 to have many questionable decisions over sexual investigation. Documents revealing NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson blocked sex crimes squad pleas to travel to Adelaide to interview Christian Porter’s accuser. The NSW police malpractice exposed showing emails to well publicised in 2021 victim Katherine Thornton just 24 hours before she suicide with no resolution or charges to Liberal political representative Christian Porter. Understanding the agony Kate felt to take her own life I volunteered on Red Arm Band Day, March 31 2021. Handing out hundreds of Arm Bands at Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia created by the Women's Justice Movement reading #justiceforkate and #wearestillhere. A follow up action to the March4Justice to which I also took part. The front page of The Advertiser Newspaper capturing the Human Rights movement and my passion to obtain justice for myself - for all and Human Rights legislations. "